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<br />Page Four - Ci~J Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 11, 1986 <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />- Residents are concerned with the safety of cars for <br />two families in that small area. <br />~otiQ by Robischon, second by Zimny to deny the variance <br />request for a two family dwelling, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the City Council <br />allow. a variance- to Ordinance #4, Section JLI..01.-Z requesting <br />the setback off the. south property line (off Reritage S".treet) <br />of lot 1.,. block 6, Centerville- be no closer than 1.6 feet <br />to that .property line 1:0 aLlaY#' construction of a singl.e: <br />family home-.. The re< standards: for variances seem to <br />be met:'. <br />- Spe<:iaI. ci.rcuarstances: and: condi.tiOlm' exi.s1: as th.i.s:. <br />is: a SO" r~.50" J:a.1: o~ record:.. . <br />- Li.teraI. interpre.ta.1:ioa:: would:. the pet1:ti.oner <br />a~ tigh1:s enjaye~ by athers as the C'i:ty has granted <br />SUelr va.riances: i.rr. th~ past.. <br />- Gran"ting 1:hi.s: variance r:eq ues1: will no t con::rer <br />speci.aI. pri.vUeges- as ~mi 1 ~r- variances: have been. <br />granted in: the pas-t'.. <br />- The proposed vari.ance will not impair pro ~ t... <br />val..ues.. public: heal. tn... safe-V or weUare or -=- <br />rendents ~ th& C'i. ty ..' _ <br />Motion: :by Pti..1:chi.e,. secad by Zimny' ta grant a. to <br />OrrH nAnce 1J4.,. S'ec:t:i.on: requeS'ting the se"tha~tc a:tt <br />the sau:th. property li:1~ (aU 1ieri-'tage S".tree-t) or I.a1: 1... <br />black 6,.. C'en1:ervi.ll.e be no c::Iaser than 16 f'ee1:: tn 1:tIa1: <br />property- line to aI.l..0.,. cana1:1:uc:tiOtI. 0.1: a. R'i~e 'fP-riTr <br />home,. mo"tion cc:u.:.led unanimoUSly., . . <br /> <br />!lotion by Rcbiscl1on... second. by Fri..tclti..e to 1:be Park: <br />Pund: defici:t: separate from. 'the General. Fund defic:L1:.. ..tion <br />carri.ed I1n~n1mnusLy-.. <br /> <br />C~ertc wi1.I. send. card: ancf pLant to Harvey Cartier who is <br />in Distri~t Memorial. Kospi.taI.... <br /> <br />Motion. by Robischon,. se-cond by E'ritclti.e to pay.OrviI.I.e lfughes <br />$7..50 per hour- while- he is' filling in for Karvey C'ar1:ier <br />as: Direc.tor o~ PubLia Worm,. motion carried unanimously.. <br /> <br />Mo tion by Robisc.'lon, second by E'ri tchie to a.l..low a $Z50 .00 <br />working capi. tal. to the. Publ.ic Works Director wi. th each <br />singl.e expenditure not to exceed;. $100..00, motion carried <br />unanimo usly .- <br /> <br />Cler~ wi~L contact tar=y KOch ~~dMaureen Aslesen aboQt <br />moving the bl.eachers behind the backstops at the. b~ields.. <br /> <br />Cler~ will contac~ the Rice Cree~ Watershed Distric~ abou~ the <br />tree ac~oss the creek behind Robischon's home. <br /> <br />Clerlt wi~l contac~ the Rice Creek Watershed District about <br />the cul/er~ unde~ Brian Drive. <br />