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<br />433 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />434 SEPTEMBER 28, 1994 <br />435 PAGE NINE <br />436 <br />437 motion carried unanimously. <br />438 <br />439 Rock used in Cul-de-Sac 7162 Grangview. <br />440 The City Council reviewed a complaint dated September 19, 1994 <br />441 from Jeff Gerdesmeier, 7162 Grangeview regarding the rock used in <br />442 the cul-de-sac. A copy of this complaint is attached to and made <br />443 a part of these minutes. <br />444 <br />445 Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to acknowledge receipt of <br />446 the complaint from Jeff Gerdesmeier, 7162 Grangeview, regarding <br />447 the type of rock used in the cul-de-sac; <br />448 the City Council is postponing additional street work <br />449 until the Spring of 1995 and Grangeview is to reviewed <br />450 at that time; <br />451 and the City Council will take no action at this time, <br />452 motion carried unanimously. <br />453 <br />454 NEW BUSINESS: <br />455 <br />456 Printer Purchase. <br />457 Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to approve the purchase <br />458 of a Hewlett Packard LaserJet Printer from Steve Dixon for a cost <br />459 not to exceed $350.00, motion carried unanimously. <br />460 <br />461 Installation of guard rail at the interjection of Mill Road and <br />462 Peltier Lake Drive. <br />463 Motion by Helmbrecht, second by Brenner per the recommedation of <br />464 Paul Palzer, Public Works Director/Building Inspector, approval <br />465 to install the guard rail, salvaged from the portion of Mill Road <br />466 that was vacated, on the north side of the intersection of Mill <br />467 Road and Peltier Lake Drive, east of the culverts, motion carried <br />468 unanimously. <br />469 <br />470 Weed feed/fertilize city Property. <br />471 The City Council reviewed a request from Paul Palzer, Public <br />472 Works Director/Building Inspector dated September 27, 1994 <br />473 regarding weed feed/fertilizing of City property. A copy of this <br />474 request is on file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br />475 <br />476 Council member Helmbrecht noted it appears to be a lot of money <br />477 to weed feed/fertilize City property. She questioned if the <br />478 public works employees would be able to apply the weed control <br />479 versus contracting the work. Council member Helmbrecht also <br />480 expressed that she would like to encourage staff to use <br />481 discretion when it comes to the budget. <br />482 <br />483 Council member Brenner noted she has spoken with Mr. Palzer, and <br />484 the City has never applied weed feed/fertilizer before. The City <br />485 currently does not have the necessary equipment to perform the <br />486 work. <br />