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<br />487 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />488 SEPTEMBER 28, 1994 <br />489 PAGE TEN <br />490 <br />491 Council member Dario expressed the City spends a lot money on <br />492 park improvements and it does not make a lot sense to him to <br />493 improve the parks and then not keep them up. <br />494 <br />495 Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to postpone weed <br />496 feed/fertilize of City property until Spring 1995, AYE - Brenner; <br />497 AYE - Buckbee; AYE - Helmbrecht; NAY - Dario, motion carried. <br />498 <br />499 Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting Update. <br />500 Council member Brenner noted that herself and Council member <br />501 Helmbrecht attended a meeting regarding the development of a <br />502 Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority on September 20, <br />503 1994. Council member Brenner noted the County is requesting the <br />504 City of Centerville appoint one elected office and one staff <br />505 person to serve on a technical sub-committee. <br />506 <br />507 Motion by Buckbee, second by Dario to appoint Council member <br />508 Brenner as Centerville's representative to the Anoka County <br />509 Housing and Redevelopment Authority Technical Sub-committee, <br />510 motion carried unanimously. <br />511 <br />512 Political Candidates Request for Appearance. <br />513 Motion by Buckbee, second by Brenner to not allow the appearance <br />514 of political candidates at regularly scheduled city Council <br />515 meetings, motion carried unanimously. <br />516 <br />517 possible Shared Services. <br />518 Council member Brenner noted the City of Lino Lakes staff <br />519 engineer has resigned his position. She would like to <br />520 investigate the possibility of sharing engineer services with the <br />521 City of Lino Lakes. Council member Brenner noted two reason why <br />522 she would like the City Council to consider this option are: <br />523 1. The potential for cost savings on general engineering. <br />524 The sharing of a staff engineer could be for one day a <br />525 week or on an as needed basis. <br />526 2. The need to look at checks and balances regarding <br />527 project engineering. <br />528 Council member Brenner noted she is not looking at getting rid of <br />529 the current consulting engineering firm. She express concern <br />530 with regard to the an engineering firm designing and inspecting <br />531 projects. Council member Brenner stated she tired of taking the <br />532 heat for engineering problems. <br />533 <br />534 Mayor Buckbee noted he respects MSA, Consulting Engineers, and is <br />535 gaining a lot of respect for Dave Nyberg, Staff Engineer. <br />536 <br />537 Motion by Brenner, second by Helmbrecht to direct City staff to <br />538 draft a letter to the City of Lino Lakes to inquire about the <br />539 possibility of a shared service regarding a staff engineer; <br />540 the shared staff engineer for Centerville could be one <br />