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<br />109 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />110 SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 <br />111 PAGE THREE <br />112 <br />113 the Dornseif property. Mayor Buckbee noted Mr. Dornseif <br />114 expressed concern regarding the amount of trees removed and that <br />115 some trees were covered with mud and may have been deposited on <br />116 private property. <br />117 <br />118 Mr. Nyberg explained it was his understanding that the Peltier <br />119 Lake Drive culvert work was designed to be done using the <br />120 existing street right-of-way. Mr. Nyberg noted the trees were <br />121 removed to get the equipment down into the creek to do the work. <br />122 Had it been known the work would not have been able to be done <br />123 within the street right-of-way, a waiver of trespass should have <br />124 been obtained. <br />125 <br />126 Mayor Buckbee stated he supports Mr. Dornseif, it appears the <br />127 Contractor marched in on their property and took valued trees. <br />128 The City should investigate and decide what to do. Mayor Buckbee <br />129 expressed, in his opinion, the City may have been negligent. <br />130 <br />131 Bill Dornseif, 1783 Peltier Lake Drive, was present. Mr. <br />132 Dornseif noted he did not have a problem with the work until the <br />133 trees were removed. Mr. Dornseif noted he spoke with the <br />134 Contractor regarding the trees and asked why the trees needed to <br />135 be removed. Mr. Dornseif noted the Contractor told him they were <br />136 only "scrub trees". Mr. Dornseif expressed the trees were not <br />137 scrub trees in his opinion. He has spent many years and hours <br />138 turning the area into a "neighborhood park" for the children. <br />139 Mr. Dornseif also noted he is very concerned regarding the trees <br />140 buried in the mud by the bob cat. <br />141 <br />142 Mr. Nyberg noted he will meet with Al Salo, MSA Project <br />143 Inspector, regarding the trees buried in the creek. Mr. Nyberg <br />144 noted this type of workmanship is totally unacceptable. Mr. <br />145 Nyberg also noted that if the trees were removed without checking <br />146 with project inspector, the contractor may be in violation of <br />147 his contract and would be responsible for compensation. <br />148 <br />149 Complaints Flood Plain Improvements - 7251 Clearwater Drive. <br />150 The City Council reviewed a letter dated August 31, 1994 from <br />151 Hatem Qamhieh, 7251 Clearwater Drive, regarding the Clearwater <br />152 Creek improvement on County Road 14 and Peltier Lake Drive. A <br />153 copy of this letter is attached to and made a part of these <br />154 minutes. <br />155 <br />156 Dave Nyberg, MSA Consulting Engineers, was present. Mr. Nyberg <br />157 noted he met with Mr. Qamhieh approximately two weeks ago. Mr. <br />158 Nyberg noted Mr. Qamhieh's property is located on the south side <br />159 of Peltier Lake Drive on the north side of the bend in the creek. <br />160 Mr. Nyberg noted Mr. Qamhieh expressed concerns regarding the <br />161 increase in velocity and that the increased disCharge would cause <br />162 the creek bank to erode faster. Mr. Nyberg stated there will be <br />