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<br />1 CITY COUNCIL <br />2 MEETING MINUTES <br />3 WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 27, 1993 <br />4 7:00 P.M. <br />5 <br />6 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of the <br />7 City of Centervil1e held their regular meeting on Wednesday, <br />8 October 27, 1993 at the City Hall. Mayor Buckbee ca 11 ed the <br />9 meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Present: Brenner, Dario, <br />10 Helmbrecht, Wilharber. <br />1 1 <br />12 MINUTES: <br />13 <br />14 October 13. 1993 - Closed meetinq (confidential). <br />15 Motion by Wilharber, second by Brenner to approve the October 13, <br />16 1993 closed meeting minutes regarding the pending litigation for <br />17 the Sievert assessment for improvements (street, water, sewer, <br />18 grading, storm water) with the following correction: <br />19 Page One, Paragraph One <br />20 Now Reads: .. . . . Mayor Buckbee call ed the meeting to order <br />21 at 6:02 p.m. Present: Dario, Brenner, <br />22 Helmbrecht, Wilharber." <br /> <br />23 <br /> <br />24 Amend to Read: .... .Acting Mayor Wilharber called the meeting <br />25 to order at 6:02 p.m. Present: Dario, <br />26 Brenner, Helmbrecht. Absent: Buckbee." <br />27 AYE - Brenner; AYE - Dario; AYE - Helmbrecht; AYE - Wilharber; <br />28 ABSTAIN - Buckbee, motion carried. <br />29 <br />30 October 13. 1993 - Reqularlv scheduled meetinq. <br />31 Motion by Dario, second by Wilharber to approve the October 13, <br />32 1993 regularly scheduled meeting with the following corrections: <br />33 Page Four, Line 198 <br />34 Now Reads: .... .for all persons who do become complaint <br />35 by December 31, 1993; a..." <br />36 Amend to Read: "...for all persons who do become compliant <br />37 by December 31, 1993; a..... <br />38 <br />39 Page Four, Line 200 <br />40 Now Reads: ...persons who do not become complaint by <br />4 1 Decembe r 31, 1 993, mot i on. . . " <br />42 Amend to Read: ".. . persons who do not become compliant by <br />43 December 31, 1993, motion...: <br />44 <br />45 Page Four, Lines 206 and 207 <br />46 Now Reads: ".. .complaint by December 31, 1993, as the <br />47 residents requesting the extension will be <br />48 complaint by November 30, 1993." <br />49 Amend to Read: .... .compliant by December 31, 1993, as the <br />50 residents requesting the extension will be <br />51 comp 1 i ant by November 30, 1993." <br />52 AYE - Brenner; AYE - Dario; AYE - Helmbrecht; AYE - Wilharber; <br />53 ABSTAIN - Buckbee, motion carried. <br />54 <br />