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<br />325 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />326 OCTOBER 27, 1993 <br />327 PAGE SEVEN <br />328 <br />329 Mr. Hagerty noted the cities of Columbia Heights, Fridley, Circle <br />330 Pines and Spring Lake Park reimburse waste haulers with SCORE <br />331 funding for recycling rebates. <br />332 <br />333 Mr. Hagerty noted that Lake Sanitation received an award for <br />334 having the most comprehensive curbside recycling program in Anoka <br />335 County. <br />336 <br />337 Motion by Buckbee, second by Wilharber to approve a reimbursement <br />338 of $3,360.00 from SCORE funds to Lake Sanitation to be applied to <br />339 the 1993 Lake Sanitation recycling rebate costs; <br />340 contingent upon Lake Sanitation sUbmitting an invoice <br />341 for the dollar amount before December 31, 1993; <br />342 this reimbursement from SCORE funds is to be applied <br />343 only to the 1993 recycling rebate expense and not to be <br />344 applied to 1994 SCORE funds, <br />345 motion carried unanimously. <br />346 <br />347 Mr. Hagerty noted he would like to review the recycling rebate <br />348 reimbursement from SCORE funds on a semi-annual basis. <br />349 <br />350 Cabinet and T.V. Installation in City Hall LobbY. <br />351 Motion by Buckbee, second by Dario to authorize the installation <br />352 of a lockable cabinet and T.V. in the City Hall lobby; <br />353 installation of the lockable cabinet and T.V. is to be <br />354 under the direction of the Clerk/Administrator <br />355 according to plans submitted by Randy Hagerty, <br />356 Recycling Coordinator; <br />357 the installation of lockable cabinet and T.V. is not to <br />358 prove cumbersome to City staff; <br />359 the cost of the cabinet and installation are to paid by <br />360 1993 SCORE funding at a cost not to exceed $450.00, <br />361 motion carried unanimously. <br />362 <br />363 Central Park Land Extension Aooraisal. <br />364 Motion by Wilharber, second by Buckbee to table discussion of the <br />365 Central Park land extension appraisal prepared by Dahlen & Dwyer, <br />366 Inc., motion carried unanimously. <br />367 <br />368 Reaoolication of Floor Sealer in Fire station. <br />369 Motion by Buckbee, second by Wilharber to table discussion of the <br />370 re-application of floor sealer for the fire station and municipal <br />371 building, motion carried unanimously. <br />372 <br />373 Storm Water Fee - Retroactive Payment bY Residents. <br />374 Clerk/Administrator Tamara Miltz-Miller noted that all residents <br />375 on the sanitary sewer system have been charged and have paid the <br />376 storm water fee beginning January 1, 1992 to date. The non <br />377 sewered residents were to be billed once per year, however due to <br />378 staff error the non sewered residents have not been billed. <br />