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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Centerville City <br />Council held a special workshop on Wednesday, October 27, 1993 at <br />the Centerville City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was for <br />introductory discussion regarding the engineering section of the <br />proposed Capital Improvement Plan. Mayor Buckbee called the <br />meeting to order at 5:50 p.m. Present: Dario, Brenner, <br />Helmbrecht, Wilharber. <br /> <br />John Stewart, City Engineer, began his presentation of the <br />proposed plan with an overview of the context of the information. <br />He included discussion for regarding a "Twenty Year Improvement <br />and Maintenance Schedule". He noted that from the schedule it <br />may be advantageous to calculate the costs for proposed <br />expenditures beyond the five year period and begin budgeting now <br />to meet those needs. Mr. Stewart cited the proposed cleaning of <br />sedimentation in the holding ponds scheduled for the years 2004- <br />2005. <br /> <br />The following discussion refers to specific Capital Improvement <br />(CIP) numbers in the proposed plan. A copy of the plan is on <br />file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br /> <br />CIP 1 <br /> <br />Lift Stations Change the dollar amount of the <br />expenditure to $52,000. <br /> <br />CIP 10 Peltier lake Drive Culvert - Change the dollar amount of <br />the expenditure to $110,000. <br /> <br />ClP 2 Sanitary Manholes and Covers - Mr. Stewart noted that <br />an inflow/infiltration grant applied for by the <br />City to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission <br />was turned down in 1993. He suggested that the <br />City reapply in 1994. He further recommended that <br />if the grant were to be turned down in 1994, the <br />City should budget appropriately and complete this <br />project in 1994. <br /> <br />CIP 3 <br /> <br />Sewer and Water Master Plan Updates The proposed <br />assessments are expected to be a developer cost. <br /> <br />ClP 4 <br /> <br />Computerized Maintenance Record System - The City should <br />improve itJs processes and procedures before <br />spending monies on computerization. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />CIP 5 Sewer Line Maintenance - As the length of the system <br />increases so does the cost. In the past <br />maintenance has been flushing of the lines. Per <br />Mr. Stewart, the City should now start televising <br />to identify possible repair areas. <br /> <br />ClP 6 Trunk Sewer and Water Construction - The City should start <br />budgeting for future lift stations. The <br />infrastructure is pretty good right now and there <br />is currently not a lot of cost for maintenance. <br />