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<br />(4) The building or structure meets all other requirements of this chapter and <br />any other city ordinances. <br /> <br />~ 154.022 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND USES. <br /> <br />W 4c:c:e~~ory _SJru~~ur~~-fi~~icJ'!YltialJ}s_e~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - { Deleted: I <br /> <br />a.t ~ 0_ !Dpr~ !h:a.~ t\\T~ ~~~e~~~ry _b..uil~!r!gs _ a!~ F~!1!l~t!e~ _ 011~ lU!y ~ing!e__ fa.ll!i!y, _ _ _ - { Deleted: A <br />detached dwelling parcel located in any district except R-l. Combined aggregate square <br />footage for accessory structures shall not exceed 200 square feet or 2% of the lot area, <br />whichever is greater. <br /> <br />(2.t InJ10_ ~':'.ep! !l!ay_ t!t~ _C~111binJ.~d_ ~q~~~ fo_o~ge_ 0.( a.c~~ss9~ ~\liNi!tg~ ~:lS~e~<i _ _ _ - { Deleted: B <br />the square footage of the main level of the principal structure, except in the R-1 District. <br /> <br />(J"t ~9 _a.c~tlss9~ ~tI"\l~tIl1"e_ Ill~Y _b_e_ ~~n~~<.:t~<i _op_ ~ F~~c_e! ~i!h_o..u! ~J~r!r!cjl'a.l_ _ _ - { Deleted: C <br />structure. <br /> <br />(1.'t ~9 _a~<.:~s~9ry_ ~1!t!cJtrr~ _ s_h~!l_~e_ tlr~<.:t~<i _O! )9~a.t~<! ~ithP:t ~y !tlql!~eAY~<i _ _ _ - { Deleted: D <br />other than the rear yard. <br /> <br />C~"t~<.:~e~~o.ry _s!fu~~tls_ Ill..u~tJla.':'.e _ a. ~ll1i!l!l!lll_Of _a_ ~-f(}ot Jl1!e!i~! ~~d_e _ s_e!~a~!<- _ _ _ - { Deleted: E <br />and a 10foot rear setback. Where a rear or side yard abuts a street, an accessory building <br />shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the street property line. No structure may be <br />placed in an easement except bridges by written permit approved by the City Council. <br /> <br />(g,t 10_ <.:l!s~ _ a.n_ ~~c_e~~o_ry _s!ru~~~ i~ ~~~h_e<i _ t~ _ J:!1~ }11l!1l1_ ~l!ndP:tg, _ i! _sl:tl!l! ~~ _ _ - - { Deleted: F <br />made structurally a part of the main building and shall comply in all respects with the <br />requirements of this chapter applicable to the main building. <br /> <br />(7"t An_ ~~c5l~~ol1' _~uj~dil!g, _ \lnJ~ss_ ~t!l!c!t~<i _ t~ _a.I!<! !l!a.d5l_a. y-ar( 9f _tJ:1tl _1lll!1l1_ _ _ - { Deleted: G <br />building, shall not be closer than 6 feet to the main building, except as otherwise <br />provided in this section. <br /> <br />Q\.t 1'1l~ !o!aJ_ar~l! 9f ~Il ~~~lle~_ a.c~~ss~~ l:n:,i!<!ll1gJgl!f~gtl)_ ~h_a!l_~e_l!o. gt"e_a!e! _ _ - - { Deleted: H <br />than 1,500 square feet per level, but in no event may the garage space exceed the square <br />footage of the main floor of the dwelling. <br /> <br />C2.t ~\VilJ!Illil!gp(}~I~ !l!aYtlxc~l::<! !lle_ ~~~ !~quir~!1l_e!l!s_ fOE _a~~~s~()ry structures, _ _ - { Deleted: I <br />but shall not exceed 50% of the rear yard. <br /> <br />23 <br />