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<br />nil,) _1l!e_ ~i~~ _~~lls _ ~( an_ ll~c_e~soJ)' P!lMinK ~ha!l_ I!~t _ e]'~~~<! 1 Q f~~t _ iIl_ ~eight _ _ _ - -{ Deleted: J <br />and the overall height of the structure shall not exceed fifteen feet, except to match the <br />roof slope of the principal structure. This provision shall not apply to farm buildings <br />located in a R-l district. <br /> <br />(ll.;t Ar1J~r~~ !T~!ns~~,_ ~a)<:~I!ifls, _b!~~z_e~_ay~,_ ~:Qe!l_ p~r~l1~s-, Ae~c!t~~ _o~!<!~or _ _ _ - -( Deleted: K <br />living rooms, and heating equipment may be placed in a rear yard if it is at least fifteen <br />feet from the rear lot line and five feet from a side lot line, but may not be closer to a side <br />street property line than the principal structure. <br /> <br />C12,) _ ~~i~e! _b_uil~!r!KS _ 'Yitl1 !l!~ill~ t:.o.<>f~ llI!<! ~~~eti~~ yval1~ _ap.~ _ ~o.Y~l"iIlg _a_ t_o~l_ _ _ - -{ Deleted: L <br />(exterior) area in excess of 120 square feet, nor any other buildings with metal roofs shall <br />be permitted in any residential or mixed use districts. Pole-type buildings and rigid frame <br />structures with membrane roof or sides, are also prohibited all zoning districts. <br /> <br />cu.t ~:uil~inz~ _ ~~c~~<!iIlg_ !~~ _sg:Ullr~ _ fe_e! _s!t!l!I_1J~ _a!l~I1~r~~ _ ~o_ !l_ <:~I!C!flt~ _ _ _ - -{ Deleted: M <br />floating slab foundation. <br /> <br />(J1) _1I1e_ fl~t~t:.i()t:. <:()l~~ !ll1~ _d~~iS11_of_ a!l_llc_c~~s,<>!y ~tI1I<:i!U:e_ ~~aR 1J~ ~in!i!!!r _ t() _ _ - - -{ Deleted: N <br />the principal structure. <br /> <br />(m jcces~()ry _StrUC~U!(!s, _ Yl()1'I-!(!sjc1f!.'!t~aJ _ 1}se!__ _111~ _ (oll()~iI!g _ ~illI!<!a!<!~ _ sP!l!I_ _ _ - -{ Deleted: 2 <br />- --- - -- - <br />regulate the construction and maintenance of non-residential accessory structures: <br /> <br />u..t AI! !l<:<:e_s~()ry_ ~~c!t!r~~ _sl111l! _b~ _ ~upj~c~ _t() _t11~ _s!llll_e _ ~e~~~c!<-~ !t~ig!t! _a!l~ _ _ - - -{ Deleted: A <br />exterior fmish regulations as a principal structure for the district in which it is located. <br /> <br />(Ord. 91, passed 3-8-2006, Amended 5-11-06. Amended ##-##-2008) <br /> <br />~ 154.023 SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED. <br /> <br />(A) Review scheduling. For all land use applications or permit applications for <br />commercial or industrial structures, a site plan review is required by the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission. Application materials must be submitted at least five business days <br />before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to be considered at that meeting. If <br />staff detennines that the application is complete. it will be placed on the agenda. <br /> <br />(1) Boundary survey of parcel including identification of all monuments; <br /> <br />- Deleted: Zoning Administrator or his or <br />her designee. The review shall take place <br />30 days prior to the desired Planning and <br />Zoning meeting. For example, if a <br />property owner desires to have a proposal <br />presented to the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission in May, the application and <br />site plan need to be presented to the <br />Zoning Administrator or his or her <br />designee the first week in April. ~ <br /> <br />'f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - <br />(B) Submittal requirements. <br /> <br />(2) Scaled location of all buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalk, trails, <br />parking stalls and curbing; <br /> <br />(3) Scaled identification of all setback dimensions from property lines; <br /> <br />24 <br />