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2003 Resolutions & Attachments
City Council
2003 Resolutions & Attachments
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9/27/2005 3:59:47 PM
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<br />1) To employ and determine the terms of employment of administrative and other <br />personnel, accountants, consultants, legal counsel, and otI1er qualified personnel, <br />except as provided in this Agreement. <br /> <br />2) To cause reports, plans, studies and recommendations to be prepared. <br /> <br />3) To lease or purchase equipment and supplies necessary for the proper operation, care, <br />lnaintenance, and preservation of Depalimellt facilities and equipment, except as <br />otherwise provided in this Agreement, and subject to the budget as approved by <br />member cities. <br /> <br />4) To adopt Department bylaws, rules alld regulatiolls for the operation, maintenallce <br />and use of the Departlnent personnel services, equipnlent and facilities. <br /> <br />5) To enter mutual aid agreelnents with other organizatiolls with Sill1ilar purposes. <br /> <br />6) To recommend disposal of capital equipmellt, as hereinafter defined, alld land. <br /> <br />7) To provide policy alld guidallce for tIle governance of tIle joint powers police <br />departlnent. The Govelnillg Board shall I1ave the power to appoint, promote, suspend <br />and rell10ve officers and enlployees of tIle joint powers police depalill1ent as <br />I1ereinafter provided. <br /> <br />8) To sell or lease any of its equiplnent as lnay be deelned expedient. <br /> <br />9) To establish a yearly budget for police services pertailling to the Department, whicI1 <br />budget sI1all require approval by tIle City Councils of each of tIle lnell1ber cities, per <br />Section VII oftI1is Agreenle11t. <br /> <br />10) To act as agent for receipt, custody a11d disbursement of fullds, gifts or other funds <br />paid or givell by tIle contracting cities 011 beIlalf of, Of, for the use of tIle Departnlent. <br /> <br />11) To act as age11t for allY contracts of illdebtedlless and loans lnade ill the llalnes of the <br />contracting cities for tIle benefit of the Depalimellt. <br /> <br />12) To cause all al1l1Ual audit to be 111ade of all its accoullts, books, vouchers a11d funds. <br /> <br />13) To recorml1elld appoi11tnlellt of a CI1ief of Police. The appointment of the Chief of <br />Police sIlall be subject to the approval of the City Councils of all In elnb er cities. <br /> <br />14) III exercising its po\vers ullder tIlis Section, the Govenli11g Board sIlal1 adopt and be <br />governed by the rules and regulations known as "Rules and Regulations - J Oillt Powers <br />Police Departnlent", a copy of wIlicI1 shall be attached to this Agreenlent. TIle rules <br />alld alnendmellts to the rules must be provided to all City Councils. <br /> <br />15) Direct any revenues received froln fines for criminal violations or cost of prosecution <br /> <br />- 4 - <br />
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