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2003 Resolutions & Attachments
City Council
2003 Resolutions & Attachments
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9/27/2005 3:59:47 PM
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<br />to the city prosecuting the violation. <br /> <br />16) To make a fi11ancial accounting a1ld report to the cities on or before July 1 st of each <br />year. Upon request, during nonnal business Ilours, financial records shall be open to <br />examination by the cities. <br /> <br />17) To approve budgeted expenditures during their quarterly 1neetings. Non- <br />budgeted expe11ditures shall be submitted for approval at a special or regular <br />meeting of the Governing Board. Non-budget expenditures also require the <br />approval of member cities. A montIlly bill list shall be submitted to each city <br />for their approval. <br /> <br />Officers authorized to 1nake disburse1nent shall be bonded in an amount to be determined and <br />approved by the Govenling Board before enteri11g i11tO tIle performance of tIleir duties. <br /> <br />SECTION VI <br />POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE <br />OPERATIONS COMMITTEE <br /> <br />Sectio1l 1. The powers and duties of tlle Operatio1ls COlllmittee sIlaII il1clude tIle powers set forth <br />ill tIlis article. <br /> <br />Sectio11 2. The Operatiol1s C0111111ittee sIlal1 provide input and make recolll11lendations to the <br />Govenlil1g Board. <br /> <br />Sectio113. The Operations COl111l1ittee sIlal1 provide for tIle definition of Member cities' 11eeds <br />and sIlal1 coordinate the use of police departlllent resources with the Police CIlief. <br /> <br />Section 4. TIle Operatiolls COlll111ittee shall provide for tIle day to day supervision of the Police <br />Chief and evaluatio1l of the Police Department operatioll bOt!l for tIle purpose of repoliing to and <br />nlaking reco1nmendation to tIle Gove111ing Board, and sIlal1 designate a liaison for the purpose of <br />day to day commullication witll tIle police cIlief alld to serve as liaisoll to tIle Govenling Board. <br />The Operations C0111mittee will annually provide input to tIle Governing Board alld Police Chief <br />011 tIle Police Chiefs perfonllance. <br /> <br />Sectio1l 5. TIle Operations C0111111ittee sIlal1 make recolnlllendations on staffing lleeds and <br />COlllp ellS atioll levels for tIle depalilnent. <br /> <br />Section 6. TIle Operatiolls COlnmittee sIlal1 provide inpllt to tIle developl1lent of the Police <br />Depaliment's annual budget and work plall. <br /> <br />SECTION VII <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT, <br />LAND AND BUILDINGS <br />7.1 Equipment. Each of tIle cities to this Agreement has contributed to the Department for its <br />use alld benefit, the cities' existing police equipment. The Governing Board shall control the use <br /> <br />- 5 - <br />
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