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<br />C j t ~i C CHlr1 C =L 1 <br />11"7Jte s <br /> <br />~' . - j" <br />1" iC e r) ~L I l'.~ <br /> <br />1 see r~~ rc <br />June 2)1, <br /> <br />J'''~(itiO!l b.y Fri tchie, second by Neum.ann tha.t when t~.e City of Centerville 118.8 <br />recei_ved a signed development contract and $10,000.OU escrow money then <br />Engineers should go ahead and prepare final pJans and specs for L'Allier <br />Estates II. Arnend to lvIotion, Engineer Jobn Stewart, 1'-Iaier StevJart & AssociAtes, <br />has permission to do sufficient work on Steven Lane and Clearwater rlidge to <br />assure compatibility with road reconstruction of Mill Jd., rnotion carried <br />unanirnous1y. <br /> <br />.L1iscus[Sion followed on municipaL water systeril for developr:.tents. Engineer <br />JCY:n Stel,'lart read brief. Because 0.1' the cost to him, Gerry I arent does not <br />feel iflunicipal water is feasible for the L' AIIJer ~~states II project. <br /> <br />AnnvJallerstedt ~\Tith 11ediation Ser'/ices explained the programs services and <br />answered Questions. She asked for a $.05 per capita per year for donation <br />f or the prograrn. <br /> <br />hotion by Hobisc~lon, second b~l FritcLie to pay :$.05 ~,er capjt9 b8sed on <br />1017 populat_Lon, a ~50. 85 dunation. motion carried unanimouslJ~. <br /> <br />Appearance of Kevin l.',ullins, 7000 l,;"J. Sh8doH Lake , Drive, Lj.DO \akes, lirl. to <br />re~uest Sorel Street extension. l-.r. I~'Iul.l~_ns f:1ay be 1tJilling to partj cipate <br />in the cost by paying 50/%, the remaining ~)O;s could tLen be split by the <br />re~naininG property o\l'mers 8blltt 1 fit' the section of Sor81 ~trTypt th~t i,s t.0 <br />bp -i rnpro1ted. <br /> <br />l'.lo t.j on by Fri tchie, second by Neurnann to he] d a public hearing on Sorel Street <br />i2xtension irnproverncnts before tr-le Centerville City Council rneetin,~.'~ of July 22, <br />1987, motion carried un3nj~ously. <br /> <br />No action was taken on Larry Brakke letter of complaint - Hehbein response, <br />both parties "jere not present. <br /> <br />Engineer JOIiD Ste1~art talked to .0111 Svetin, 1687 .re] tjer L8r~e Dri \~F;. EnEineer <br />John Stewart ~Jould l~i Ke to rnove back the rORd j n front of 1687 Peltier Lake Dr. <br />to elirlinate an?=~le point of the road. lie would like to have B~ill Svetin trin: <br />nis \^Jillo1~T tree. EnGineer StevJart asked for direction from City Council on <br />straightening the road on Pelt'ier Lake Drive in front of Bi11 Svetin, 1687 <br />Feltier LaKe Drive property. John StevJart "t-Jas asked ~Jhat the cost l.-JouJd be if <br />the Council choose to cLant~c the original surve:l for that section of Peltier <br />Lake DrIve. lIe gave a ball park figure of between two and three thousand <br />dollars. ~jlr. l{icr:ard Tl1ompson, 16)7 ?eltier Lake Drive also stated his vie\vs. <br /> <br />J~'.loticn by Bobischon, second b;/ Neumann to have Engineers .get curve 211 to 36 <br />inches, the least arnount we can of encroachrnent behind the curb of 1687 Peltier <br />lake Drive as it existed prior to road reconstruction; a:le: L'Allier, E~ob.ischon, <br />~eumann; nay: Fritchie; abstain: Laska, motion carried. <br /> <br />l'~lotion by Neurnann, second b~y Laska to have Encineer Jonn StwearL recorrunend to <br />Bill Svetin, 1687 Peltier Lake Dr. that the willow tree on his property be cut <br />up frorn the ground 7 ft. or 7 ft. frorTl the curb and let owner Bill Svetin choose <br />method of two.; aj7e: Neurr~ann, Laska, Robischon, L'P..llier; na~y: Fritchie, rnotion <br />carried. <br />