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<br />City Council Meeting <br />l\linute s <br />Page Four <br />June 2L~, 1987 <br /> <br />Orville BugLes, ?11blic ~1Jorks Director asked for direction on 1rJhich C2se to use <br />to display Public Notices and information in for the City of Centerville. Council <br />gave direction to use a cork board inside of n~tal display case. <br /> <br />NEvil BUSI~ESS <br />I'lotion b~l }'ri tchie, second by Laska to vJai ve the $30.00 charge of the 3.2 beer <br />permit for the Lions Club Steak Fry on July 19, 1987, ~otion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />fvlotion by Laska, second b:y Fritchie to grant the 3.2 beer perrnit to the Lions Club <br />for the July 19, 1987 steak fry, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Appearance of Ric~ard Suc~' to request a permit to have an outside Band Concert <br />at the \'Jatervlorks Bar on July 25, 1987. Band hours 12:00 P.I"I. to 8:00 P.l\/I. <br />He anticipa tes a cro1,vd of between lOOe) to 1500 people. <br /> <br />Council stated that I'Jr. Such:/ must cornply 1rlith t~lese re~uirements and furnish <br />t he City Coune:i 1 ~li tll : <br /> <br />1. I,. s~~etch of the la,yout of the grounds & parkinG to be used for this event. <br />2. Bal1fieJ d must be fenced in so there can be no erltrence or exi t frotn. <br />LaValle Drive. <br /> <br />3. No strong beer or hard liquor can be sold outside the bar and no stronz <br />beer or liquor can be brougl1t outside the bar L.1' all.Y fJeroun a Ltending <br />this event or on said prelnises at this tinle. <br /> <br />l~. No 3.2 beer can be sold outside the bar after 8:00 P.M. as per City <br />Council recuirement. <br /> <br />5. Peop]e in attendance must be inside the building by 10:00 P.l'.~. cr <br />nuisarlce ordinance will be violated. <br /> <br />6. lv:r. Richard ~UCLY must suppl.j adequatE:: 3ecur:i ty .:\Jr tlli~ e\i":~nL. <br /> <br />7. i'I'. ;<~j c;,o~'ci 0uchj: I'IUSt Lave an c~jdcqug Lc nUl'l~)Cr of SE~tel1i ~e rc'strL'UP-:S <br />(3t lea3t six) on the premises for this event. <br /> <br />C-:ouncIl disc11ssed permit for TiJaterworks special event. I:lr. Suchy stated that <br />he \"TGuld be w"i11ing to dona te a pcrcen La~~c of the profits versus D speci31 event <br />fee. <br /> <br />I"'loLien by Laska, second~bj' Neulilann to grant a l.2 beer permit I:Jith a fee of $25.0'~-'; <br />f)lus $5.00 for one day, total $30.00. IJlr. Such~y TI1USt pay 4)400.0:,] dar1age deposit <br />which vJil1 be re.funded if the City Council feels he has cCHlplied INi th the <br />requirernen1~s 83 stated in these minutes, mution carried unanirnousl~y'. <br /> <br />Clerk will send a copy of these reouirernents to lir. Richard Suchy and to the <br />Lino Lakes Police Dept. <br /> <br />Appearance of Jerry Jolly to obtain a 3.2 beer permit and a permit for the use <br />of b211field for Ju1~"~ L~ & 5 tournaJuent. Discussion fol1cH-Jed. <br />