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<br />/~ <br />( <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Centerville hela their regular <br />meeting Wednesday, June 8, 1977 in the City Hall. Mayor Prachar <br />called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. Present were L'Allier, <br />(late); Murray, Peterson, Hawkins and Engineer Williams. Absent, <br />Burque. <br /> <br />Minutes of meeting held May 25, 1977 were approved as read. <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh Hale of 1764 Main Street were in attendance <br />concerning their claim against C. W. Houle Landscaping for $207. <br />Mr. Houle's insurance company had advised the Hales their claim <br />would be denied and the Hales wanted to know what recourse they <br />have in the matter. They were advised to get together with Miss <br />LaBonne and Floyd LaMotte, who had similar claims, and decide <br />what their next step would be. Miss LaBonne has already submitted <br />her denial letter to the city and the clerk was to hand it over <br />to the city's insurance agent for action. <br /> <br />Mrs. Helen McKenzie of 1587 Peltier Lake Drive was in attendance <br />concerning the road in front of her house. She said the road <br />was higher than before the sewer line was put in and she wanted <br />it lowered to the original height. The council ~avised her they <br />would look at the road before the next meeting and get the profile <br />from the engineer on the road before making a decision. She also <br />asked for a sign to be put at the top of the hill advising <br />drivers of the hill being hazardous. <br /> <br />The shade tree grant program was discussed and clerk advised <br />council Lew Hendricks was in the process of marking diseased <br />elm trees and the matter was tabled until June 22 meeting. <br /> <br />The matter of the tree on Mrs. Knabe's property was discussed <br />and this was also tabled until June 22 meeting. <br /> <br />Clerk advised council the Chain of Lakes Disposal site would be <br />open on June 15, 1977 and clerk has schedule for when the site <br />is open and the price list for disposal of trees. <br /> <br />Clerk was to call Metro Council and get details on procedure <br />for applying for land planning grant program for the city. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar read portions of resolution received from Comm. <br />Burman on hazardous/toxic waste landfill demonstration project. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar advised council of decrease in gas rates through <br />North Central Public Service on bills issued after June 28, 1977 <br />which would amount to approximately $1.60 on each residential <br />spaceheating customer. <br /> <br />Center Oaks #1 plat (preliminary print) was discussed. Request <br />from the fire department was to have Pheasant Run street name <br />changed because of a conflict with Country Lakes, also request <br />f~om council to provide a 100' cul-du-sac on Pheasant Run and <br />final plat should show additional right of way for the cul-du-sac <br />on end of Pheasant Run. Clerk was to advise Mr. Houston and Mr. <br />Raudio of these items. Final plat presentation of Center Oaks <br />was to be put on the July lJ agenda. <br />