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<br />( <br /> <br />page two <br />City Council meeting <br />Aprll 27, 1977 <br /> <br />Council discussed ordinance Dan Tourville had given to clerk <br />concerning smoke alarms. Clerk was to get opinion from attorney <br />on ordinance and discuss at next meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar presented agreement with Centennial School District <br />for the playground area to be used by the city for a Little <br />League baseball field. Fran Burque made a motion to enter into <br />agreement for the summer Little League baseball season with the <br />School District, Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Letter and information material from Robert Burman was tabled <br />until next meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar read letter from Superintendent McClellan thanking <br />the City for their contribution to the summer recreationprogram <br />in District #12. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar read letter from John Boland of the Metro Council <br />advising the city of the Metro Council approval on the plans <br />and specifications for the Centerville Interceptor. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council Attorney Hawkins had made two revisions <br />in our proposed sewer ordinance and clerk was to include these <br />and made master copy of ordinance for the council to go; over <br />and take up matter at May 11 meeting. <br /> <br />Walt Williams arrived at meeting and discussion followed on <br />several items pertaining to the sewer installation. Walt <br />was to follow up on having the ditch on the west side of Mill <br />Road cleaned out by the contractor; open up ditches on end of <br />Brian Street; lift station to be moved on Mill Road to different <br />place and possibility of having the streets in Centerville oiled <br />after the contractor has completed work. <br /> <br />The following easements were presented for settlement: <br /> <br />John Peterson made motion to approve easement between the <br />Independent School District #12 and the city on the "South <br />30 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision #48, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota, lying within a 20 foot strip of land the center line <br />of which is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the <br />North line of said Lot 4 extended westerly distant 200 feet <br />westerly from the northeast corner of said Lot 4; then North 75 <br />degrees 31' east a distance of 502.70 feet; then South 15 degrees <br />45' east to the southeast corner of said Lot 6 and there term- <br />inating. For the purpose of this description the east line of <br />said Lot 4 has an assumed bearing of north.", Fran Burque <br />seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Dan Skoog - Parcel #66 - $45.00 <br />Lew Hendricks - Parcel 65 - $52.50 <br />Elmer Murray - Parcel - $168.00 <br />Melvin Peterson - Parcel - $262.50 plus 4 trees @ $50 = $200. <br />total $462.50 <br />Robert & Eleanor Lindgren - Parcel - $150. <br />James Sahlstrom - Parcel 62 - $59.00 <br />Carol Christensen - Parcel - $187.50 <br />Ruth Knabe - Parcel - $432.00 <br />Donald Shovein - Parcel - $12.50 <br />