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<br />/ <br />( <br /> <br />The City Council of the city of Centerville held their regular <br />meeting on Wednesday, April I), 1977 in the City Hall. Mayor <br />Prachar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were <br />Burque, L'Allier, Murray, Peterson and Attorney Hawkins. <br /> <br />Minutes of meetings held March 23 and 30 were approved as read. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: Residents on Brian Street were con- <br />cerned about their street grade since the sewer line has been <br />installed. <br /> <br />Clerk handed out the March Centerville and Lino Lakes police <br />report. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on changing the placement of the lift <br />station off of Main Street between Peltier Lake Drive and <br />Mound Trail. Consideration was given to placing it adjacent <br />to Harold Leibel property but on ~HR city property costing <br />an additional $1500-$2000 for this change in placement. <br />Matter is being worked out and further discussion will be <br />held on the 27th of April meeting. <br /> <br />Clerk read notice o:f hearing and petition on the rezoning <br />of SEt o:f the SEt o:f Section 23, Township )1, Range 22 Anoka <br />county submitted by L & B Tree Service to the P & Z meeting <br />on Wednesday, April 6, 1977. Clerk read the following recom- <br />mendation from P & Z: "Jerry Sundberg made a motion to <br />recommend that that ~ortion not presently zoned commercial of <br />the south 265' of SE4 of SEt of Section 2), Township 31, <br />Range 22 be rezoned commercial, Mel Dupre seconded it, motion <br />carried". Discussion followed on the matter. Leon L'Allier <br />made a motion to rezone the South 265' of SEt of SE* of <br />Section 23, Township )1, Range 22, Anoka to a commercial <br />classification, motion died because lack of second. Fran <br />Burque made a motion to table the matter until the April 27 <br />meeting, Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. Fran <br />Burque made a motion to remove from the table, motion died <br />and is laid over until next meeting. Mr. Brokke would like <br />the P & Z members to attend April 27th meeting and was re- <br />quested to bring in persons who would testify for his petition. <br /> <br />Clerk read Resolution #7-77 specifying the intent of the city <br />o:f Centerville to prepare and adopt resolution :for septic tanks <br />and the rural service area to assure the protection of metro- <br />politan investments inthe Centerville interceptor. Elmer <br />Murray made a motion to adopt Resolution #7-77, Fran Burque <br />seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council final Systems Statement had been received <br />by clerk on March 24, 1977 from the Metropolitan Council. The <br />council has 60 days to reply on same. <br /> <br />Discussion on held on Mr. Sooger's request of March 2), 1977 <br />asking :for donation to summer recreation program in School <br />District #12. Leon L'Allier made a motion to donate $250 <br />to the Centennial District #12 Summer Recreation program, <br />John Peterson seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council the MWCC requires an easement over <br />city property for Project 76-51, the Centerville Interceptor. <br />