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<br />/ <br />( <br /> <br />Minutes of Meeting April 1), 1977 <br />page two <br /> <br />Elmer Murray made a motion to authorize the Mayor and Clerk <br />to accept the offer tendered by the MWCC for Project 76-51, <br />Fran Burque seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor read communication from Rep. Neisen concerning the <br />proposed tennis courts for Centerville. <br /> <br />Clerk read proposed Ordinance #26 prohibiting the starting or <br />accelerating of any motor vehicle with an unnecessary exhibition <br />of speed; providing penalties for violation. Leon L'Allier made <br />a motion to adopt Ordinance #26, John Peterson seconded it, motion <br />carried. Copy is attached to these minutes. <br /> <br />Clerk advised council Board of Review will be held on Tuesday, <br />May 17, 1977 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall. Clerk is to request <br />the Assessment book from the county for the council's review <br />on Monday, May 9, 1977 at 8:00 pm in the hall. She will report <br />at next meeting. <br /> <br />Short discussion was held on H. F. 821 dealing with highways; <br />state-aid system; contracts for construction and improvement of <br />county state-aid highways and municipal state-aid streets, etc., <br />which the Mayor had received from Rep. Neisen. <br /> <br />John Peterson made a motion to approve the 1977 Police contract <br />with Lino Lakes, Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Communication from Commissioner Burman was discussed. Council <br />members were to read letter at home and matter would be discussed <br />at next meeting. <br /> <br />Fire Chief Tourville gave report on Fire Department activities <br />and handed out summary of fire department activities for 1976. <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to appropriate $600 for the Fire <br />Department Equipment Fund for the remainder of 1977, John <br />Peterson seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Clerk informed council a Revenue Sharing Check for $914 has <br />been deposited in the general account at the First State Bank <br />of Hugo. Elmer Murray made a motion to designate the $914 <br />for Public Safety, Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following checks to be paid from the general <br />account: #2933-2958. Fran Burque made a motion to pay bills <br />with the above numbered checks, Elmer Murray seconded it, <br />motion carried. Deposits of $2,958.75 were noted leaving a <br />balance in the general fund of $2,866.79. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following checks to be paid from the sanitary <br />sewer fund account: #2055-2069. Elmer Murray made a motion <br />to pay bills with the above numbered checks, Fran Burque seconded <br />it, motion carried. Treasury bill #77011)0106 will be deposited <br />in account on April 14, leaving balance in account of $8),648.92. <br />Clerk will in turn make deposits in the two Sanitary Sewer savings <br />account. <br /> <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to adjourn, Elmer Murray seconded <br />it, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 pm. <br />~) Respectfully submitted, <br />~~ <br />