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<br />(~ <br />I <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Centerville held a special <br />meeting on Wednesday, March )0, 1977 in the City Hall. <br /> <br />Mayor Prachar called the meeting to order at 7:)0 pm. Present <br />were Burque, L'Allier, Murray, Peterson, Superintendent McClellan <br />and Principal Webster from Centennial School District #12, <br />Walt Williams, Engineer, Dorothy Rivard, Asst. Supertendent <br />Kinn and School Board Members Delmont and Cleary. <br /> <br />Purpose of meeting was to discuss possibility of building <br />two tennis courts in Centerville on school property. Walt <br />Williams presented council with feasibility report on the <br />double tennis courts with the estimated cost proposed. Copy <br />of report is attached to these minutes. <br /> <br />Discussion on courts centered around the location of courts, <br />size of court space, the leasing or buying option the city <br />has in this matter and the proposed bill in the legislature <br />concerning communities building courts and the state matching <br />funds on the project. Superintendent McClellan suggested <br />that he go back to the school board with options of (1) <br />the city leasing the school property and funding the entire <br />project, (2) the school building the courts and funding the <br />project, or (3) a shared cost program on the court financing. <br />He will report on this matter after the school board meeting. <br />The clerk was to check further into the legislative bill <br />concerning the courts and report back to council. <br /> <br />Mr. Karl Burandt and Lee Starr appeared before council to <br />discuss the metropolitan council expectations related to <br />the provision of metropolitan sewer service through the <br />Centerville interceptor and draft of proposed resolution <br />dealing with septic tanks, density provisions for the <br />rural service area and on-site disposal systems inspection. <br />These matters were discussed at length and a proposed reso- <br />lution would be drawn up and discussed at the next council <br />meeting. Clerk was to contact Mr. Burandt when resolution <br />is adopted by council. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on lowering Brian Drive when the <br />sewer line is installed. Leon L'Allier made a motion <br />to lower Brian Drive according to Engineer's recommendations, <br />Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to adjourn, Elmer Murray seconded <br />it, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11;10 pm. <br /> <br />. .R~e~~~~y, <br /> <br />~Char, Clerk-Treasurer <br /> <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />~. <br />