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<br />, <br /> <br />that they will be looking into the problem. <br /> <br />Clerk read Resolution #6-77 concerning the council's agreement <br />with the concept of the proposed Chain of Lakes Park Reserve <br />plan. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council of proposed petition for rezoning of <br />property described as s~t of SEt of Section 2), Township <br />31, Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota by L & B Tree Service, <br />Inc. Clerk was to advise L & B of procedure for rezoning <br />and report at next meeting. <br /> <br />Elmer Murray was to check on price of Smith & Wesson .38 <br />revolver which Lino Lakes would like to purchase and report <br />at next meeting. <br /> <br />Insurance quotes for the City of Centerville was discussed. <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to remain with the First State <br />Insurance Agency for the city insurance, Elmer Murray seconded <br />it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Clerk read correspondence from MWCC on the plans and specifi- <br />cations for the Centerville Interceptor, Project #76-51. <br /> <br />Clerk read correspondnce from Milner W. Carley and Associates <br />on the LaMotte Road Sewer Improvement #76-3, City of Lino <br />Lakes. Council looked at plans and specs and expressed <br />some coneern about the Lino portion of sewer terminating <br />in the Centerville system manhole and also the procedure <br />in assessing proper flow of system to Lino residents. Mayor <br />was to advise the engineer of these concerns and the solution <br />for them. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council of meeting on April 7 at the Activities <br />Center in Anoka concerning the program for the dredging and/or <br />lake restoration through the use of a Mud Cat dredge for the <br />Chain of Lakes Park Reserve. <br /> <br />Clerk handed out police report for January, 1977. <br /> <br />Clerk read summons and complaint against the City by Brian <br />and Gary Barott. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following checks to be paid from the Sanitary <br />Sewer Improvement Fund: #2036-2049. Leon L'Allier made <br />a motion to pay bills, Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br />Deposit of $2359.80 was noted leaving a balance of $1923.80. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following checks to be paid from the General <br />Fund: #2098-2932. Elmer Murray made a motion to pay bills <br />with the exception of #292), Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion <br />carried. Deposits of $3481.92 were noted leaving a balance of <br />$2,377.48. <br /> <br />Elmer Murray made a motion to pay Walter Prachar $5. an hour <br />for wort on sewer project, Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion <br />carried. <br />Elmer Murray made a motion to adjourn meeting, Leon L'Allier <br />seconded it, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 pm. <br />~~p. .~ct.fUllY. submitted, J <br />~ ~~cVJ, ~ <br />