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<br />, <br /> <br />Fran Burque made a motion to adopt a resolution requesting <br />the State Highway Department to make a appraisal in respect <br />to lowering the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 <br />miles per hour on Peltier Lake Drive, Leon L'Allier seconded <br />it, motion carried. A copy of the Resolution #4-77 is <br />attached to and made a part of these minutes. <br /> <br />Clerk read letter from Walt Williams concerning the urban <br />service area and the proposed population figures and flow <br />projections~ Leon L'Allier made a motion to adopt a resolution <br />stating that the City Council is in agreement with the engin- <br />eer's projections of the population and flow projections up <br />to and including the year 2000, Elmer Murray seconded it, <br />motion carried. A copy of Resolution #5-77 is attached to <br />and made a part of these minutes. Clerk was instructed to <br />send copy of Resolution and Williams' letter to Robert Ranta <br />and Karl Burandt at the Metro Council offices. <br /> <br />Marv Myhre brought in the December police report on Centerville <br />and a yearly report on Centerville and Lino Lakes. The police <br />contract was also discussed and changes were made in the con- <br />tract that had been presented by Lino and clerk was to make <br />proposed changes and return it to the Lino clerk for approval <br />by the Lino Council. <br /> <br />Mayor informed council that $55,000. was to be deposited in <br />the Sanitary Sewer Fund on February 10, 1977 which is U. <br />S. Treasury Bill dated January 13, 1977, #7701130104, and <br />maturing on February 10, 1977. John Peterson made a motion <br />to deposit $48,000. into a passbook savin~s account at <br />Minnesota Federal in White Bear Lake at 54% interest, Elmer <br />Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />The 1977 Engineering Contract was presented by the Mayor. <br />John Peterson made a motion to accept oontract from Milner <br />W. Carley and Associates for the year 1977, Leon L'Allier <br />seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />A request for buoys at the intake valve on Centerville Lake <br />was discussed. The matter was brought up and if conditions <br />warrant it in the spring, a request would be made to the <br />DNR to alleviate the situation. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on adopting ordinance requiring residents <br />to install smoke detectors in their homes or places of business <br />within the next five years after adoption. Dan Tourville was <br />to get a copy of the ordinance and present it at the next <br />council meeting. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following bills to be paid from the Sanitary <br />Sewer Fund: #2018-2035. Leon L'Allier made a motion to <br />pay bills, John Peterson seconded it, motion carried. After <br />opening passbook account referred to in these minutes, <br />balance would be $193.58. <br />