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<br />r <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Centerville held their regular <br />meeting-on Wednesday, February 9, 1977 in the City Hall. Mayor <br />Prachar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were <br />Burque, L'Allier, Murray and Peterson. <br /> <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to accept minutes of meeting held <br />January 26, 1977, Fran Burque seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />The clerk read a petition submitted by 14 of the 18 households <br />on Peltier Lake Drive requesting the City to leave the grade <br />on Peltier Lake Drive as it is and not to make the proposed <br />cut between the Michlitsch and Sahlstrom properties. The <br />petition is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The <br />clerk then read letter from Norm Fritchie, resident of Peltier <br />Lake ~rive, submitting his views on the same problem. The <br />letter is attached to and made p~rt of these minutes. Dan <br />Skoog of Peltier Lake Drive was in attendance and gave his <br />opinion on the Fritchie letter and why he thought the grade <br />should remain the same on the above street. Leon L'Allier <br />made a motion to leave the grade the way it is on Peltier Lake <br />Drive, Elmer Murray seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Rep. Howard Neisen was in attendance asking for support of his <br />H. F. 161. He requested the City Council to pass a resolution <br />in support of his bill. Fran Burque made a motion to pass <br />a resolution in support of the Fire Department position on <br />the Relief Association, Leon L'Allier seconed it, motion <br />carried. Copy of Resolution, numbering #3-77 is attached <br />to these minutes. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on other pertinent bills in the legis- <br />lature that have been intrvduced. <br /> <br />The attorney presented the following easements for approval: <br /> <br />Roy and Louise LeRoux - Parcel #16 - 1900. <br />Floyd and Vera LaMotte - Parcel 20 - 90. <br />Wilfred and Erma Dupre - Parcel 19 - 78. <br />Burleigh Hale - Parcel 22 - $250. <br /> <br />Fran Burque made a motion to approve payment on the above <br />easements, Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Robert LaMotte on behalf of the Cecil LaMotte estate, petitioned <br />the City Council that the south 220' of the Southeastern portion <br />adjoining County Road #21 known as Plat 27823, Parcel 5400, <br />for a width of 150' be included in the sewer service area and <br />the service be provided with a stub for the existing lot. The <br />Council acted on the petition favorably and instructed the Mayor <br />to contact the Engineer as to cost figures and the most feasible <br />way of providing service to the lot. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on drawing up a sewer ordinance for the <br />City. <br />