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<br />To: Oenterville City Counoil Members <br /> <br />From: Norman F. Fritchie, Resident of Centerville <br />1637 Peltier Lake Drive <br />Centerville, Minnesota 55038 <br /> <br />The following information is submitted as written testimony on the <br />subject of reducing the height of a hill on Pelti~r L~{e Drive. <br /> <br />r do s~pport the lowering of the height of the hill because I feel <br />it is a risky, hazardous, and dangerous situation to have the present <br />abrupt rise in that city street. Since both persons at our household <br />who drive cars have been driving over this hill daily, we feel that we <br />do have a meaningful and a valid basis from our personal experiences <br />for evaluating the problem with the existing creKt of the hill. We offer <br />the following information to support our request that the City Council <br />approve the lowering of the height of: the hill. <br /> <br />1)- Today's criteria for the design of a city street would not allow the <br />present abrupt rise in the existing road over the hill, as was <br />explained by the City's Engineer Walt Williams at a previous meeting <br />of the Planning And Zoning Commdttee. <br /> <br />2) My wife has experienced three near-miss incidents while driving over <br />the sharp hill in the past 7i years that were too close to becoming <br />accidents and possible injuries. <br /> <br />3) More houses have been built recently on Peltier Lake Drive and the <br />increased traffic does increase the possibility of an accident and <br />an injury at the crest of the hill.. <br /> <br />4) The question of lowering the hill has been debated for quite some time <br />for it was a topic o~ discussion approximately 6 years ago in conjunc- <br />tion with a petition from the resident of Peltier Lake Drive at that <br />time to have the street black topped. <br /> <br />5) The existing situation has been something that all persons have had to <br />contend with for about the last 15 years when houses were built on <br />Peltier Lake Drive which required access by traveling over the hill. <br />To have that hazardous situation continue for any more years is not <br />desirable. <br /> <br />6) Any concerns about excessive snow drifts from a lowering of the hill <br />should be viewed as quite minor concerns because: <br />A) The larger drifts in previous winters occurred at the lower part <br />of the hill on the western slope and were: aggravated by an <br />adjacent empty lot at that spot on the north side of the street. <br />B) The sweeping action of the wind over a rise in the terrain <br />seldom causes much snow to stop at the top of a hill where the <br />proposed lOvlering would talre place. <br />C) Winter conditions exist for only a part of the year so there are <br />a very small number of actual problem snow days during the <br />entire 365 day year. <br />