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<br />r <br /> <br />page four <br />Minutes ~ Meeting January 12, 1977 <br /> <br />Mayor read communication from Mr. Boland of the Metro Council <br />on our Local Public Works Grant Application. <br /> <br />Mayor read Mr. Ranta's letter of December 22, 1976 on the Center- <br />ville Systems Statement and the city's reply to same. <br /> <br />Clerk read the attached Resolution Directing Condemnation in <br />regard to the Baber property on LaMotte Road. John Peterson <br />made a motion to adopt Resolution, Elmer Murray seconded it, <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor advised council Mr. F. N. Shaffer, of F. N. Shaffer Real <br />Estate Appraisal Service has been appointed appraiser for the <br />Metro Waste Control Commission and will be estimating damage <br />due to the city's easement on property concerning the Metro <br />Interceptor. <br /> <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to authorize the Mayor and Clerk <br />to execute the Board of Water Commissioners easement agreement <br />with the city, Fran Burque seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />The attorney presented the following easements for approval: <br /> <br />Jerome LaValle - $150. - Parcel 3 <br />Leon Williams - $500. - Parcel 5 <br />Richard Cummings - $102.50 - Parcel 30 <br />Robert LaMotte - $62.50 - Parcel 34 <br />Dan Tourville - $161. - Parcel 37 <br />Arnold Drewlo - $57.50 - Parcel 35 <br /> <br />Leon L'Allier made a motion to approve payment on the above <br />easements, John Peterson seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />John Peterson - 1725. - Parcel 23 <br />John Peterson - 50. - Parcel 24 <br />John Peterson - 256.~5 - Parcel 25 <br />Leon L'Allier - 50. - Parcel 31 <br /> <br />Elmer Murray made a motion to approve payment on the above <br />easements, Fran Burque seconded it, motion carried. Leon and <br />John abstained. <br /> <br />The council discussed the financing of the $870,000. for the sewer. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following ~hecks to be paid: #2854 - 2880 from the <br />general fund. Leon L'Allier made a motion to pay bills, Fran <br />Burque seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Deposits of $7,038. and $931. were noted leaving a balance of <br />$13,026.94. <br /> <br />Clerk read the following checks to be paid: #2003 - 2017 from the <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund #1. Elmer Murray made a motion <br />to pay bills, Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion carried. <br />