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The City Council of the City of Centerville held a public <br />hearing on Monday, April 17, 1978 in the Centerville <br />Elementary School at 7:00 pm to consider Project #1-78, <br />street restoration in the City of Centerville. <br />Hearing was called to order at 7:10 pm. Clerk read notice <br />of public hearing. Mayor introduced council, attorney and <br />city engineer representatives. Engineer Carley gave pres- <br />entation on the project background and described the color <br />code system on the map that was displayed, <br />Question and answer period was then, held for the balance <br />of the hearing. <br />Decision was tabled on the project until the April 26 <br />Council meeting at City Hall where the hearing will be <br />continued. <br />Adjournment was at 9:00 pm. <br />Res ct, pssubmitted, <br />P char, Clerk <br />