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<br />May 9, 2001 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated that Council could adopt the document with any requested <br />modifications. Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated she would like to review <br />any modifications prior to feeling comfortable enough to vote on same. <br /> <br />Motion by Mayor Swedber~. seconded by Council Member Nelson. to table <br />adoption of the goals document until the document is edited and provided to <br />Council for review. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated Council Members would receive a copy of the document for <br />reView. <br /> <br />VIII. OLD BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. County Bank Reimbursement Request <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson presented Council with a sketch of the water mains in the area of the <br />Willow Glen Development and Main Street. Mr. Peterson stated that the water main had <br />been extended an additional 300 feet. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson explained the estimated value to extend services further north, the City of <br />extended water main. Mr. Peterson estimated a cost of $50,000 to extend services further <br />north. Mr. Peterson explained that three (3) parcels, totaling fifteen (15) acres would <br />benefit from same. Mr. Peterson stated that The County Bank would be responsible for <br />$8,700 and the City's portion would be approximately $5,000. Mr. Peterson also stated <br />that The County Bank did obtain a permit to extend the water main and expressed <br />concern that there is no right of way to the north to run utilities. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers suggested deducting the permit fee from the $5,000 <br />and then asked Mr. Hoeft what should be done concerning the easement situation. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoeft stated that the City needed to obtain an easement as part of the resolution of <br />this issue. Mr. Hoeft also stated that if the water main is located on private property, <br />there is no benefit to the City. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers. seconded by Council Member <br />Nelson to direct staff to inform Mr. Bode of the $5.000 amount and the fieures used <br />to determine that amount. to direct staff to investieate the easement issue. and to <br />direct staff to investieate the permit situation. All in favor. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />2. Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park Electrical Specifications <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson explained he had consulted with Xcel Energy and they had agreed to install <br />a power pole along the street and then run the power under ground rather than overhead. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers stated that she and the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee were concerned that Council voted to expend funds from the Park Dedication <br />Fund rather than to expend funds from the General Fund for the electrical services. <br /> <br />Page 4 of9 <br />