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<br />May 9, 2001 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Council Member Capra stated that she had concerns with the projected timetable for the <br />reconstruction and discussed same with Mr. Palzer. Mr. Palzer stated that Staff has been <br />unable to locate a signed agreement between the two (2) for the joint reconstruction <br />effort. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated that the City had received a letter from the City of Lino Lakes <br />requesting sharing of the expenditures along with the Feasibility Study. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra requested that Mr. Peterson contact the City of Lino Lakes' <br />Engineer to ascertain whether the proposal meets the City's criteria for road <br />reconstruction. Mr. Peterson stated that he had contacted the Engineer and found several <br />issues that needed to be addressed. Mr. Peterson stated that the City of Lino Lakes <br />Council would be holding a public hearing on this matter on May 28, 2001. The Lino <br />Lakes Engineer was unsure of the project's likelihood of approval due to costly <br />assessments associated with same. Mr. Peterson stated that five (5) Centerville parcels <br />would be affected by same and that the cost would be approximately $188,000. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra stated she did not feel there was any Centerville drainage in the <br />area. Mr. Peterson disagreed and stated that half of the street is owned by the City of <br />Centerville. Mr. Peterson stated that the cost associated with the reconstruction appears <br />to be appropriate and added that the City of Centerville has different criteria for road <br />construction and same was not included in the original estimate. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg questioned the need for the City to obtain an easement from the City of <br />Lino Lake for the pond. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis stated that a parcel in the vicinity had yet to give an easement for <br />same. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg noted that a plan of this magnitude would take time to prepare and <br />questioned why Centerville was not made aware of it until this point. Mr. Peterson stated <br />that the plan has been in the works since 1998. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg questioned whether the City anticipated the request this year. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers commented that the request is being driven by <br />development on the Lino Lakes side of the street. Mayor Swedberg stated that not <br />enough properties benefit from the reconstruction with the City of Centerville to offset <br />the associated costs of the road. Mr. Peterson stated that the road itself is a sufficient <br />benefit to the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg questioned whether a bridge would be constructed over the creek. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that the current culvert would remain so there would be no need for a <br />bridge over the creek. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated that he was concerned that the City was just reviewing the plan <br />in May and the City of Lino Lakes was considering approval on May 28. <br /> <br />Page 60f9 <br />