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<br />Mr. March stated the Eagle Pass Second Addition consists of20 units and <br />suggested cutting the density in half to lessen the exposure to poor workmanship. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg indicated this would be one option but stated within this <br />development there is still a 24-foot roadway, which was a concern within the First <br />Addition. He explained concern for the high density abutting the existing single- <br />family homes with no transitioning space or buffer provided. Mayor Swedberg <br />noted he feels this development needs a higher quality design. He questioned if <br />the density and lot sizes were appropriate. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers noted this Addition was rezoned a PUD, <br />which allows for smaller lots with a higher density. <br /> <br />Doug Amt, 6985 Meadow Court, indicated he was from the Parkview <br />neighborhood. He indicated his neighborhood was not happy with the proposed <br />Eagle Pass Second Addition development and increased density. Mr. Amt noted <br />the buffers proposed are extremely weak at this time. He added that the <br />townhomes near Parkview are extremely close to the lot lines. Mr. Amt <br />suggested 13 units versus the 20 units proposed to relieve some of the congestion <br />and density issues. He reviewed a petition from the Parkview residents with <br />regard to the low amount of buffering provided and small side yard setbacks. <br /> <br />Bert Casper, 6979 Eagle Trail, commented that attorneys and governmental <br />officials are not extremely helpful to residents in most cases. He indicated the <br />focus has been lost from the residents. Mr. Casper encouraged the Council to take <br />advantage of the clout the City holds and enforce all violations with the builder. <br />He noted the safety and welfare of the citizens was at risk at this time due to the <br />lack of streetlights within his neighborhood. Mr. Casper suggested the Council <br />look into this item and act on these items for the well being of the residents. <br /> <br />Brian Carlson, 1771 Meadow Lane, agreed with the comments from Mr. Amt. <br />He stated unit #9 is currently placed 13 feet off his lot line, which would not <br />allow for much of a berm or area for buffering. Mr. Carlson suggested these lots <br />be reconfigured to allow for all involved to have a yard. He added that traffic <br />would be increased along Meadow Lane with increased density and noted this <br />could be a safety concern. <br /> <br />Tracey Halstrom, 6960 Dupre Road, noted she was the secretary of one of the <br />townhome associations. Ms. Halstrom indicated she was before the Council in <br />the past to address issues within the development. She noted Eagle Pass First <br />Addition was designed to be a unique development, but has now turned into <br />numerous safety and welfare concerns. <br /> <br />Ms. Halstrom indicated the City has some issues that can be enforced and <br />encouraged the Council to take an initiative to enforce these items. She noted <br />there were 59 townhomes and 18 twinhomes within this development. Ms. <br />Halstrom noted this was a large association for the City to deal with. She <br />indicated all common space will soon be the responsibility of the association, but <br />noted the association does not want it left in the condition it is in right now with <br />debris and weeds left as they are. <br />5 of 11 <br />