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<br />CPTED Strata:lies- PrinceWilliam Countv. Virginia <br /> <br />MULTI-FAMILY HOMES <br />, <br />SINGLE BUILDINGSAND <br />COMPLEXES <br /> <br />Multi-family homes- duplexes, tri- <br />pi exes and apartment com pi exes - pose <br />the same probl ens as si ngl e- f ami I y <br />structures, aJ though the number of <br />dwe lings and reS dents can compound <br />these probl ems. Publ i c arEES - shared <br />haJ I ways, e e;ators, I aundry rooms and <br />parki ng areas - present opportuni ti es for <br />cri me and cri me pre;enti on. <br /> <br />Multi-family buildingsdo not <br />nocessari I y mEEn mul ti pi e probl ens. <br />There is a certai n amount of truth to the <br />old saying, "There' s safety in numbers." <br />M anagenent may nea:J to crEEte <br />opportuni ti es for ne ghbors to get to <br />know one another. When ne ghbors take <br />responsibility for EEch other, multi- <br />family dwelingsmay be safer place to <br />live. <br /> <br />NATURAL SURVEILLANCE <br /> <br />· DeSgn buildings&> that the <br />exteri or doors are vi si bl e to the <br />street or nei ghbors. <br />. Use good Ii ghti ng at all doors <br />that open to the outsi de. <br />. I nstaJ I wi ndows on all four <br />faca::les of bui Idings to allow for <br />good visibility. <br />. Assign parki ng ~aces to <br />reS dents. Locate the ~aces next <br />to the reS dents' unit but not <br />mark with the unit number. This <br />makes unauthori zed parki ng <br />EEsier to identify and less likey <br />to happen. <br />· DeSgnatevisitor parking. <br />· Make parking arEES visiblefrom <br />wi ndows and doors. <br /> <br /> <br />This complex succes.~fz"ly utilizes a// (~rthe <br />CPTED concepts. <br /> <br />· A dffluatel y ill umi nate parki ng <br />arEES and pEd est ri an wal kways. <br />· Position recreation arEES- pools, <br />tenni s courts, dub houses and <br />playgrounds, to be visiblefrom <br />many of the uni ts' wi ndows and <br />doors. <br />· Scr€€ll or conCEEI dumpsters, but <br />avoi d creati ng bl i nd ~ts and <br />hiding places. <br />· Bui I d eI e;ators and stai rwe I sin <br />I ocati ons that are d EErl y vi si bl e <br />from doors and wi ndows. <br />. A II ow shrubbery to be no more <br />than 3 feet high for dEEr <br />vi si bi I i ty in vul nerabl e areas. <br />· Locate buildings &> that the <br />wi ndows and doors of one uni t <br />are vi si bl e from another. <br />. Construct e e;ators and <br />stai rwell s to be open and we I- <br />lighted, not end osa:l bEtli nd &>1 i d <br />wall s. <br />· Centrally locate playgrounds <br />where they are d EErl y vi si bl e <br /> <br />7 <br />