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<br />CPT ED Stratooi es - Pri nce Wi II i am County. Vi rqi ni a <br /> <br />IV. TARGET- HARDENING <br />TIPSAND TECHNIQUES <br /> <br />Traditional sacurity m63SUres, such as <br />good locks and alarms, are important <br />tool sin the preJenti on of cri me. <br />Gena-all y they work i n harmony wi th <br />CPTED concepts and re:x:>mmendati ons. <br />HOW8Va-, ins:aIlation of such thingsas <br />sa::uri ty gates, barbed or razor -wi re <br />fences and barred wi ndows can crEEte an <br />impresSon of high crime and danga-. <br />Thi s deta-s those wi th I egi ti mate <br />busi n8$ from comi ng to an arEE and <br />making it safa- by ther presence. Such <br />e anents aI SJ i ndi cate to cri mi nal s that <br />criminal behavior is expected or at lEES: <br />anticipated. <br /> <br />Regard I 8$ of how wel designed a <br />structure i S, it shoul d sti II be locked <br />when unattended. The Pol i ce <br />D~artment can hep with the seection <br />of sa::urity devices to protect property, <br />often at more rEBSJnabl e costs than SJ- <br />called high-security m63SUres. If hEEVY <br />forti fi cati on is deaT1ed nocessary, <br />CPTED pri nci pi es can s:i II be used to <br />I essen the vi sual impact on the <br />surrounding neighborhood. For <br />exampl e, decorati ve metal fences may be <br />used ratha- than chain link fences. <br /> <br />RESIDENCES <br /> <br />. Install doubl e-cyl i nder dEEd bol t <br />locks to i nta-i or doors that <br />connect a garage to the i nta-i or <br />living quarta-s. K~ keys <br />handy, but oonCEEI ed, for <br />anergenci es. <br />. Locate door locks a minimum of <br />40 inches away from adj acent <br />wi ndows or glass if possible. <br />. Use si ngl e-cyl i nda- dea:l-bol t <br />locks wi th a mi ni mum 1- inch <br /> <br />throw on doors used as pri mary <br />ground floor exits and install 3 <br />inch SJelVS into the stri ke pi ates. <br />· R~laceany Jalousie (glass <br />louva-ed) windows with more <br />sa::ure wi ndows. <br />· Use two locking deJiceson all <br />wi ndows. <br />. Install gl ass sI i di ng doors wi th <br />the fixed position door on the <br />outside and equip the interior <br />sliding panel with a locking pin <br />and one or two more locks. <br />. Equip all SJlid exterior doors <br />wi th 1SG-degree door vi elVers. <br />. Pa-i ad i call y change the code to <br />garage door opena-s and <br />oombination, or keyed, locking <br />and aI arm deJi ces. <br />· Store ladders, ocaffolds and other <br />d i mbabl e equi pment when not in <br />use. <br /> <br />~ <br />r ~ 1 ~I 1 E <br /> <br /> <br />Coodworking locks and lights <br />inC(11)Orated with the CPTED concepts <br />will make it more d(fficult/or criminal <br />act ivities to occur. <br /> <br />21 <br />