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Planning & Zoning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 5, 2006 <br />one lot to the south. He stated that a portion of this land is zoned P-1 and a small corner <br />is zoned R-5. He stated that he would like the entire property to be zoned R-2 which <br />would require updating in the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the variance he is <br />asking for is due to the proximity of the creek, which requires a 100-foot setback. He <br />stated that he would like to be able to move the house a little closer to the road. <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt asked why the City had a front setback requirement. Mr. <br />Larson stated that the front yard setback is to provide uniformity among houses, so <br />someone is not standing on their front porch looking at the back of another resident's <br />home. <br />Mr. Hanzal stated that he feels this situation is unusual and the location of the home, as <br />proposed, will not impede the line of sight in the area. <br />Ms. Broussard stated that she remembers the City allowing a variance in this area <br />because of the creek setback issues and this situation appears to be similar. <br />Mayor Capra asked what setback he was asking for. Mr. Hanzal stated that he would like <br />a 20-foot setback rather than the 35 feet currently required by City Code. <br />Mr. Larson asked if there would be a retaining wall in the rear of the house and if so, how <br />high it would be. Mr. Hanzal stated that he is planning a 10-foot high retaining wall to <br />separate the yard from the wetland area. <br />Chair Hanson asked if this area is DNR wetland. Mr. Hanzal stated that it is under the <br />jurisdiction of the Rice Creek Watershed District and some mitigation is planned. <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt confirmed that the existing house will remain. <br />Mr. Larson noted that all the proposed lots meet the 100-foot width guidelines. <br />Mr. Hanzal stated that the existing driveway will be moved and one of the sheds on the <br />property has already been removed. He stated that there is a second shed in the wetland <br />area and he is unsure whether it will need to be removed. He stated that he would like to <br />have water and sewer connections to the lots <br />Chair Hanson asked if this should be a PUD rather than an R-2 rezoning. Mr. Larson <br />stated that it would be possible for it to be a PUD. <br />Mr. Hanzal stated that there is currently a storm water drain that dumps directly into the <br />creek. He stated that he is willing to move this pipe and redirect the water into a catch <br />basin between Lots 1 and 2, which will drain to the ponding area at the back of Lot 1. He <br />stated that he feels this is a positive change for the environment. <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt stated that she thought City sewer and water hookups were <br />required in R-2 zoning. <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />