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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council <br />of Centerville held their regular meeting on Wednesday, <br />November 14, 1984 at City Hall.. Mayor L'Allier called the <br />meeting to order at 7:00 PM. ptesent: Ayers, Baumann, <br />Zimny. Absent: Wilharber. I <br /> <br />Motion by Baumann, second by Ay rs to approve the minutes <br />of the October 24, 1984 meeting motion carried. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: Comp <br />running all night and disturbin <br />farmer had a right to harvest h <br />Farm Law" will be obtained. <br /> <br />aint received on farm equipment <br />residents. It was felt a <br />s crops. A copy of "Right To <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS: Officer Zerwas a <br />into the definition of food bei <br />It can be anything from prepack <br />a full service kitchen with a c <br />more stringent rules. <br /> <br />Officer Zerwas also commented on our parking ordinance #16. <br />If it is intended to be enforced during snow removal season, <br />there should be dates added to specify that season. Four <br />councilmen felt the ordinance as fine as is, and should be <br />enforced year around. Mayor L'Allier felt it should be looked <br />at closer. Motion by Baumann, second by Ayers to refer the <br />Parking Ordinance #16 to the Panning and Zoning Committee, <br />motia. carried. <br /> <br />tended the meeting. He checked <br />g served in a liquor establishment. <br />ged pizza, submarines, hotdogs to <br />ok. The council can request <br /> <br />Discussion on Hunting in Cente <br />Mound Trail, and Mr. Dave Roda <br />the DNR expressed their opinio <br />is passed, or a hunting ordina <br />it's jurisdiction in our area. <br />agricultural area and hunters <br />homes as it is. Hunters also <br />person to hunt on a farmers la <br />changes, and was dropped from <br /> <br />ville. Mr. Hal Leibel, 7185 <br />1, a conservation officer for <br />s on the matter. If no hunting <br />ce enacted, the DNR will lose <br />Centerville is considered an <br />hould remain 500 feet from the <br />eed written permission on their <br />d. It was decided to make no <br />onsideration. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers to amend Ordin nee #1), Section 9 to read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Section 9. HOURS OF SALE <br />-SUBDIVISION 2. <br />Every licensee, exce t a private club licensee <br />shall not conduct busines on the premises between <br />the hours of one o'clock 1:00) A.M. and eight o'clock <br />(8:00) A.M. Monday throu h Saturday inclusive, or on <br />any Sunday between the ho rs of one o'clock (1:00) A.M. <br />and ten o'clock (10:00) A M., nor permit the presence <br />of customers on the premi es or the consumption of <br />intoxicating or non-intox eating liquor by any person <br />on the premises between t e hours of one-thirty o'clock <br />(1:)0) A.M. and eight o'c ock (8:00) A.M. Monday through <br />Saturday inclusive or on ny Sunday between the hours <br />of one-thirty o'clock (1: 0) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) <br />A.M., however, further pr vided that no intoxicating <br />liquor may be sold or ser ed on Sunday, whether directly or <br />indirectly, except betwee the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) <br />A.M. andtwelve o'clock (1 :00) midnight, and then only in <br />