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<br />Page two - City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 14, 1984 <br /> <br />conjunction with the <br />are seated at tables <br /> <br /> <br />g of food to persons who <br />the licensed premises. <br /> <br />Motio died for lack of a <br /> <br />The following members of <br />on the matter: <br /> <br />ience expressed their opinion <br /> <br />82 Centerville Road <br />ur, 6985 - 20th Avenue So. <br /> <br />Motion by Zimny, second by Ayers to table action on Ordinance <br />#1), Section 9 HOURS OF SALE u til next council meeting, November <br />14, 1984, motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on firemens beard w <br />stated the only way to keep fi <br />is to create a separate catego <br />that are not allowed at the fi <br />applicable, the City is still <br /> <br />OSHA has fined cities that hav <br />Fire Dept. <br /> <br />Motion by Baumann, second by ZOmny to have Des Englund write <br />a letter to immediately suspen firemen with beards until <br />January 1, 1985 at which time hey will be terminated if they <br />have not removed their beard, otion carried. <br /> <br />iver. City attorney Bill Hawkins <br />emen with a beard on the force <br />y of men within the Fire Dept. <br />e scene.' A waiver is not <br />iable. <br /> <br /> <br />firemen with beards on their <br /> <br />Summer Recreation Committee Me ber tabled until next council <br />meeting, November 14, 1984. <br /> <br />Fifteen residents out of sixte n responded favorably toward <br />street lights being installed n Mound Trail. One - no response <br />as of the meeting. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Bau ann to install street lights on <br />Mound Trail between 1299 and 1 05 Mound Trail and on the West <br />boundary line of 1)85 Mound Tr iI, motion carried. <br /> <br />It was decided to let Mr. Husn"k run the drain pipe on 1748 Peltier <br />Lake Drive to the Cul-de-sac. This matter will be put on the <br />Pending Actio file to check ag in in the Spring. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS: Clerk read the inutes from the Public Hearing <br />on November 8, 1984 concernin the rezoning request from <br />Sunrise Plastics and Gordon Rehbein to go from commercial to <br />industrial. Members of the a die nee expressed their concerns <br />on thi s matter: <br /> <br /> <br />Ken Carpente - 6985 - 20th Avenue South <br />Larry Brokke - 6795 - 20th Avenue South <br />Rod Herdina Sunrise Plastics - 6805 - 20th Ave. So. <br />Gordon Rehbe"n - 6805 - 20th Avenue South <br />