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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of the <br />City of Centerville held a budget meeting on October 18, 1988 at <br />City Hall. Mayor LrAllier called the meeting to order at 7:00 <br />p.m. Present: Fritchie, Wilharber, Burgstahler, Neumann. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Neumann that the City of <br />Centerville will contact the City of Lino Lakes to indicate that <br />November 15 and 16 would be available for discussion of Station <br />#3, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Discussion of possible employee salary increases. The following <br />City employees were present to express concern that a 5% increase <br />may not be appropriate: Orville Hughes, Dale Larson, Beverly <br />Hughes, and Mavis Solheid. Some of their concerns were: <br />-Centerville employee wages are much lower than other <br />cities; <br />-some Public Works employees did not receive any wage <br />increase in 1988; <br />-the City is growing and so is the work load and <br />responsibilities of each employee; <br />-there are now more streets that need to be plowed during <br />evening hours; <br />-most of the current employees give 110% to the city; <br />-could Public Works employees be compensated time and a half <br />for "after hours" on call work. <br /> <br />Council member Burgstahler noted: <br />-the City objective should not be to have employee wages on <br />the low end as compared to other cities; <br />-the questions are what is fair and what can the City <br />afford. <br /> <br />Council member Wilharber noted: <br />-it may be advisable to re-review employee salaries mid 1989 <br />and if the City is doing well financially, raises could <br />be reconsidered for the second half of 1989; <br />-a current 10% wage increase for all employees would be <br />$3,000; <br />-most of the employees are part time and it would be hard to <br />estimate the cost to the City for compensation of time <br />and a half for "after hours on call work; <br />-the City is making financial strides, there were times when <br />the City could not pay itrs bills, the City owes it to <br />the employee to pay them fairly as the City grows; <br />-significant improvements have been made around City Hall, <br />in the parks, City maintenance in general, etc., City <br />owes it to the employees to reconsider this for June <br />1989. <br /> <br />Council member Neumann noted: <br />-Council still has to through the budget, he is in favor of <br />re-Iooking at the possibility of wages mid 1989, <br />-overtime is appropriate if the hours worked is in excess of <br />40 hours per week. <br />