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<br />I <br /> <br />CC Budget Meeting <br />page two <br />October 18, 1988 <br /> <br />Mayor LPAllier noted: <br />-the Council would like to give more with regard to wage <br />increases, but that may be unrealistic, <br />-time and a quarter may be more appropriate for "on call" <br />hours, <br />-the City is lucky to have the dedicated employees that it <br />currently employs. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Carol Pelton, Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Committee <br />was present to explain the Park budget. She noted several items: <br />-the grant only matches expenses and labor of the soccer <br />field, ball field, and pleasure rink, the building is <br />not included in the grant; <br />-P & R will spend their entire 1988 budget; <br />-approximately $5,000 to $6,000 is expected back from the <br />grant; <br />-Centerville Lions Club has tentatively committed to about <br />$4,000 to assist with the Central Park project; <br />-if monies from the Lions Club are not received, P & R will <br />take the monies from other long term projects; <br />-the cost of the building should be about $22,000, this <br />would be paid for with the P & R CD of $9,000 and <br />$4,000 from the Lions Club, this would put the building <br />$9,000 short of funds; <br />-in response to the concern of the Council regarding the <br />$9,000 shortage of funds (Clerk advised that the City <br />does not have "Reserve Fund" to cover unexpected costs <br />this large), Pelton will investigate monies needed and <br />reason for the shortfall; <br />-plant materials and parking lot improvement, were the long <br />term projects completed in 1988; <br />-the Hockey Association has committed to flood both the <br />hockey and pleasure rinks this winter, <br />-the implementation of a fee for use of the Central Park <br />building is being investigated; <br />-Community Education joint venture with Circle Pines, <br />Lexington, Lino Lakes and Centerville is being <br />investigated; <br />-request for increase in budget is for increased in fixed <br />expenses that were not previously encountered; <br />-p & R may apply in 1989 for another grant to be received in <br />1990. <br /> <br />Council discussed the current change in tax calculations from <br />mill rates to tax capacity rates. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council members Wilharber and Neumann (Employee Review Board) <br />will get together to discuss employee salaries and Public Works <br />"after hours" compensation. Clerk will contact neighboring <br />cities for salary ranges and policy for "after hours" <br />