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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof) the City Council of the <br />City of Centerville held their regular meeting on October 12, <br />1988 at the Centerville City Hall. Mayor L'Allier called the <br />meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Present: Wilharber, Burgstahler, <br />and Neumann. Absent: Fritchie. <br /> <br />Motion by Neumann, second by Burgstahler to accept the minutes of <br />the September 28, 1988 public hearing, aye: Burgstahler, <br />Neumann, L'Allier; abstain: Wilharber; motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion by Neumann, second by Burgstahler to accept the minutes of <br />the September 28, 1988 regular meeting, aye: Burgstahler, <br />Neumann, L'Allier; abstain: Wilharber; motion carried. <br /> <br />APPEARANCES <br />Dan Kelley, Principal of the Centerville Elementary School was <br />present to introduce himself to the Council. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Myra Spijer, Centerville representative to the Centennial Pupil <br />Transportation Committee was present to discuss options for <br />children who must walk to school. Her presence was a direct <br />response to the September 14, 1988 letter from John McClellan, <br />Superintendent of the Centennial School District regarding Pupil <br />Transportation Policy Review Committee Recommendations. A copy <br />of this letter is on file with the City Clerk. <br /> <br />Council member Fritchie arrived at 7:15 p.m. <br /> <br />Spijer made several suggestions to the Council regarding possible <br />options. Some of them are as follows: <br />-Crosswalk on Main Street near Brian Drive. <br />-Crosswalks on Main Street near Mill Road and near Shad <br />Avenue. <br />-No parking on Main Street. <br />-Speed reduction on Main Street. <br />-"One Way" designations for Progress Road and Westview <br />Street. <br />-Walkways and crosswalks south of the Waterworks Bar. <br />-Trail system throughout the entire City. Possible trail <br />dedication fee to developers, and that developers <br />provide access to main arteries through easements. <br />-Have a walkway or bUB students on LaMotte Drive. <br />-Continue striping Progress Road. <br /> <br />Joe Pelton, 7178 Mill Road suggested that the Park and Recreation <br />Committee look into the walkways and trails. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Neumann to: <br />- direct the Clerk to write to the Anoka County Highway <br />Department to request that they address the following <br />possibilities: <br />-the section of Main Street between Centerville <br />Road and 20th Avenue be designated as "No <br />