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<br />Wetland A - No avoidance was necessary. Wetland was outside of the project <br />construction limits for all alternatives. <br /> <br />Wetland B - <br />Alternative 1 - Routes the trail around the wetland to the north. This causes <br />the need for easement and the need for the cross to a driveway at an unsafe <br />location. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - Follows existing trail easements and avoids an unsafe driveway <br />crossi ng. <br /> <br />Wetland C - <br />Alternative 1 - This alternative follows the existing property line, but creates <br />an impact to the wetland. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - This alternative routes the trail around the wetland to the <br />south, avoiding impact to the wetand. <br /> <br />Wetland D - <br />Alternative 1 - This alternative avoids the wetland, but brings the trail too <br />close to neighboring homes creating a privacy issue. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - Trail crosses the wetland. Side slopes are tightened to 1:3 <br />minimize impact. <br /> <br />Wetlands E and F - <br />Alternative 1 - This alternative avoids wetlands E and F, but brings the trail too <br />close to neighboring homes creating a privacy issue. Additionally, the slopes <br />are too steep along Center Street and would require retaining walls. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - Trail impacts wetland E. Trail alignment is adjusted to provide <br />minimal impact to wetlands. Additionally, the side slopes are tightened to 1:3 <br />to minimize impact. <br /> <br />Wetland G - <br />Alternative 1 - This alternative considers bringing the trail on-road along 20th <br />Avenue to minimize impact to wetland G. However, 20th Avenue is a 45 mile <br />per hour roadway and a safety issue is present and complete avoidance is not <br />achieved. <br /> <br />Alternative 2 - Trail impacts wetland G. Side slopes along the trail are <br />tightened to 1:3 to minimize impact. <br /> <br />Wetlands H, I and J - No avoidance was necessary. Wetlands were outside of the <br />project construction limits for all alternatives. <br /> <br />SP 02-090-01 <br />Wetland Assessment <br />March 2009 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />