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<br />Floodplain Assessment <br />Clearwater Creek <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The 100' longitudinal encroachment of Clearwater Creek is necessary to connect the two <br />portions of the trail on either side of Clearwater Creek where there are existing easements. The <br />500' longitudinal encroachment is necessary to connect the trail to a neighborhood sidewalk. <br />The 600' longitudinal encroachment of County Ditch #47 (Branch No.1) is necessary to connect <br />the proposed trail to the existing trail. The proposed trail skirts an existing housing development <br />and stays as close to the properties as is possible. <br /> <br />Actual ImDact Analvsis <br /> <br />This project will not result in any significant floodplain impacts for the following reasons: <br /> <br />I. No significant potential for interruption of a transportation facility, which is needed for <br />emergency vehicles. <br /> <br />A. The project consists of no modifications to roadways, and only concerns trails <br />which are not utilized for emergency vehicles. <br /> <br />II. No significant adverse impact on natural and beneficial floodplain values should result <br />from the project. <br /> <br />A. The 1700' transverse impact will be constructed along existing 20th Avenue N, <br />no impacts are anticipated. <br /> <br />B. The trail bridge will be designed to accommodate recreational canoe traffic during <br />periods of normal river flow. <br /> <br />C. There are no wetlands along the river in the vicinity of the proposed bridges. <br /> <br />D. The Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Information System <br />database was reviewed to determine the existence of State Threatened or <br />Endangered species within the project area. A state listed threatened species; <br />Blanding's Turtles have been reported in the area. A recommended fact sheet for <br />working within Blanding's turtle habitat will be given to the contractors during <br />construction. The project will have no effect on federally listed threatened or <br />endangered species or critical habitat. <br /> <br />E. Appropriate turf establishment and erosion control measures will be used. <br /> <br />III. No significant increased risk of flooding will result. <br /> <br />A. The trail bridge will be designed so that no significant change in headwater or <br />tailwater elevations will result. The other trail will cross the river at the existing bridge. <br /> <br />IV. This project should not resuh in any incompatible floodplain development. <br />