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2009-03-04 P & R Minutes Approved
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2009-03-04 P & R Minutes Approved
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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 03-04-09 <br /> <br />Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park. <br /> <br />Ms. Guimont said the YMCA Staff felt the Park Play Days at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park went <br />very well last year and were enthusiastic about doing the program again this summer. There were 23 <br />children the first session and 18 the second session, mostly younger children in the 4 – 6 year old age <br />group. The skate board program offered for older children was not a well received addition to the <br />summer program so it was not added this year. Ms. Guimont said the Wargo Nature Center Staff who <br />attended the Park Play Days with various presentations in 2008 was popular and they are trying to <br />incorporate that into this summer’s program, but Wargo has budget/staff cuts also and this may not be <br />possible. The YMCA has a more efficient, centralized marketing system in place this year which will <br />enable them to more easily get information regarding programs to a larger group in a timelier, cost <br />efficient manner. Park Play Days is advertised in the current publication. The program in 2008 cost <br />$1,500 with the City of Centerville funding $1,000. Ms. Guimont stated that while the programs are <br />not intended to make money, their intention is certainly to break even. To decrease costs for 2009 the <br />registration fee was raised by $10 for the 7 week program, they will only need limited supplies as that <br />cost was incurred in 2008 and they eliminated snacks. The YMCA is asking the City of Centerville to <br />fund the program with $1,200. Chairperson Seeley stated she felt that was quite reasonable. <br /> <br />Ms. Guimont also asked the committee to think about anything the committee might need that the <br />YMCA staff could help with, such as advertising. Chairperson Seeley mentioned the 8K Run/Walk. <br />Ms. Stephan will email that information to Ms. Guimont. <br /> <br />Mr. Mark Statz, City Engineer, Trail Project Discussion & Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park <br />Pond Update <br /> <br />Mr. Mark Statz, City Engineer was in attendance to discuss the Trail Project with the committee. Also <br />in attendance from Bonestroo were Mr. Geoff Martin, Landscape Architect, Urban Design and Mr. <br />Gary Morien, Bridge Design. <br /> <br />Mr. Statz apologized in advance for the short notice and hectic schedule on this project and <br />explained the haste as essentially the Transportation Enhancement Trail Grant the City has received <br />in the amount of $750,000 for 2012 has the possibility of being moved to 2009. Mr. Statz explained <br />an application for Federal Stimulus Package money was submitted for this project. If we are <br />selected, it could move our project into 2009 funding (currently, we are programmed for 2012 <br />money) as well as provide grant money to cover the local matching funds of about $250,000. At <br />the February 25, 2009 City Council meeting, Council authorized Bonestroo to proceed with plans <br />and specs, as well as permitting activities in order to move the project closer to “shovel ready” <br />status. <br /> <br />The committee and Bonestroo representatives discussed the trail-side park, pedestrian bridge and <br />general project issues. There are a lot of stipulations and deadlines that go with Federal grant money <br />and the City has approximately 1 to 1 ½ month to design the project and get the documents submitted. <br />There are about 15 easements the City will need to acquire which is already being worked on by Mr. <br />Dallas Larson, City Administrator. <br /> <br />Mr. Statz asked the committee to meet again in 2 weeks. Council Member Lee said the Centerville <br />Lions would also like to meet with the committee to discuss the 8K Run/Walk being held during Fete <br />2 of 7 <br /> <br />
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