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<br />Issues Identified <br />The following issues were identified at the workshop: <br />1. The accounting computers are not linked together and only one person can operate <br />on an accounting computer at a time. <br />2. Banyan software is used by the City and is recommended by Steve McDonald. The <br />software does crash sometimes and backups of the system take over 45 minutes. <br />3. Steve McDonald stresses the number one error in our accounting procedure is the <br />failure to reconcile bank statements each month and make correcting journal entries. <br />4. Steve McDonald stated a monthly checklist can be provided to Council and the City <br />Administrator for oversight and quality control. <br />5. Proof of bank and investment reconciliation is essential each month. <br />6. Monthly reports to Council are essential and a quarterly report with narrative should <br />be presented 30 days after the end of a quarter. These reports should be <br />standardized without additional handling to place in a spreadsheet. <br />7. While our Chart of Accounts is standardized to the State of Minnesota system, the <br />sub accounts are numerous and confusing both to staff and some Council Members. <br />8. Inactive, invalid, or deficit accounts need to be eliminated. <br />9. The Auditor recommends a reduction in the number of investment accounts. <br />10. Council Member Broussard-Vickers raised a concern over administrative personnel <br />workloads in comparison with similar communities. <br /> <br />No decisions were made. <br /> <br />The workshop was adjourned at 8:02 PM. <br /> <br />Desired Future Condition <br />Council is the steward of the public treasury. We can not delegate fiduciary <br />responsibility. The purpose of the accounting system controls and reports is to provide <br />timely and accurate information that can be trusted to: <br />1. Assist in making critical policy decisions and budget priorities <br />2. Track and display the performance of budgeted accounts <br />3. Provide flexible reports to answer management questions and display trends <br />4. Provide residents with a clear, accurate picture of what their money is spent on, by <br />whom, and when. <br /> <br />Furthermore, the accounting system and procedures should segregate duties and other <br />procedures that lead to a clean, unqualified audit opinion by an independent auditor <br />every year. <br /> <br />Review of 2001 Minutes <br />After the meeting, I thought about the issue a lot. I re-read the Council minutes for 2001 <br />related to financial management. The first mention of accounting procedures is dated <br />March 14, 2001 when I asked to pull the City expenditures because the columns in the <br />accounting report did accurately sum. In addition, accounting issues and concerns <br />