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<br />commented that she feels that the business has a substantial benefit and that should <br />subtract from the cost to the developer. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers suggested that the developer pay 50%, Water Works <br />pay $25,000 and the remainder of$56,135 be divided by the 18 units. Council Member <br />Nelson agreed with the suggestion of Council Member Broussard Vickers. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg commented that he feels this is a wrong water line in a wrong place. <br />He commented that there is 1.3 miles of dead end run and he does not think it is a good <br />idea. He commented it is possible to extend the watermain but he does not think there is <br />justification to run 7,000 feet of dead end line. He commented that he was not worried <br />about fire protection because the fire department has ample sources of water nearby that <br />they could draft out of and also has a tanker. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg indicated he takes the position that the developer should pay 100% of <br />the costs of the line but, in this case, he does not think it works to extend the watermain <br />and would vote to use wells. He commented he did not think that 10 more holes in the <br />aquifer would hurt anything. He further commented that the City has about 50% of its <br />residents on City water and he thinks the City needs to decide what its water priorities are <br />and fund the proj ects out of the tax base rather than by assessment because the City is <br />taxing at a high rate and to assess residents for water and then charge a hook up fee on <br />top of it he feels is excessive. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg commented that he feels that ultimately all residents should be hooked <br />up to City water but stated he feels the City needs to figure out a way to do it without an <br />assessment because it is difficult to figure out the benefit. He then suggested holding off <br />on the vote to allow time to digest the numbers that were previously discussed. <br /> <br />Mr. Vargo, representing Mr. Rehbein, asked that the vote be delayed in order to allow the <br />developer and Council time to digest the numbers. He then commented that the first <br />feasibility study estimated the costs to the developer to be approximately $28,000 and <br />now the amount is up over $81,000. He further commented that, at that price, it is not <br />feasible. <br /> <br />Mr. Lattu noted he had come to the meeting assuming that the developer was the one <br />pushing for City water but has heard that the developer would prefer wells. He also <br />noted that residents do not want water and suggested that Water Works is the driving <br />force behind the extension in order to be able to provide a sprinkling system for the <br />business. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers clarified that the line is not a dead end run as it will <br />loop in the future. She noted that years ago the City required that lots be at least one acre <br />in order to have a well. She further indicated that the City needs to loop the main and this <br />would be one more step toward looping for the betterment of the entire system. <br /> <br />Page 8 of 28 <br />