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<br />Mayor Swedberg commented that there are 50-foot lots downtown that have wells and <br />said there are better places to loop. He then suggested the City needed to determine its <br />water priorities rather than extending this watermain just because it was presented as an <br />option. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis commented that the extension of this watermain gives the City <br />the opportunity to run infrastructure. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated that capital improvement projects come and go based <br />on opportunity. She then commented that the developer is here now giving the City the <br />opportunity to push water through. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers commented that the City needs to take the <br />opportunity when it presents itself and not ignore it because it is not on the top of the <br />water priority list. <br /> <br />Motion bv Mavor Swedberl! to table this matter for consideration of the numbers. <br />The motion died for lack of a second. <br /> <br />Mr. Lattu commented that it seems to him if somebody could develop some property he <br />should be considered a developer for assessment purposes. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated there was no formal plan nor a request to <br />develop the parcel and noted there is no precedence for the City to assess based on what <br />someone may do in the future. She then commented that the assessment was based on <br />footage. <br /> <br />City Attorney Hoeft advised Council that they were not voting on the assessment <br />amounts but were voting to accept the report and direct the City Engineer to prepare <br />plans and specifications. He then commented that the numbers discussion was beneficial <br />but the final amounts did not need to be set at this meeting. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers questioned whether the developer would be <br />interested in participating with the numbers discussed. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis indicated he would like input from Mr. DeFoe as to his future <br />plans. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson noted if the developer decided he did not want to pay for the <br />costs the project would not move forward. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated she would not want to pay for plans and <br />specifications until the City knows whether the developer is willing to pay the amount <br />discussed. <br /> <br />Page 9 of 28 <br />