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<br />City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />November 9, 2005 <br /> <br />and any parcel that required City purchase would have value. He went on to explain how <br />property is chosen for purchase by the County. <br /> <br />Council Member Terway said this agreement does not have everything the City had <br />wanted, but the trail and easement makes it a better deal for the City and he feels the item <br />should move ahead. <br /> <br />Council Member Lakso said she is excited to sign this agreement and get the work <br />underway. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee said he is concerned about the % access to the primary business <br />development area. He said it is not a perfect agreement, but thinks the City has done <br />everything it could do. <br /> <br />Council Member Paar said he appreciates the email and letters from residents. He said he <br />is concerned about the changes to Main Street and is frustrated by the % turn and the rush <br />to make a plan with the County and the slowness of the process. He said he is not <br />comfortable signing this agreement. <br /> <br />Mayor Capra said she supports each Council Members right to vote against any issue. <br />She said this issue has been before the City for a long time, and is also concerned about <br />21 st Avenue, but the access to the north and south will help access to businesses. She <br />said she is happy with the work done by staff on this issue. She concluded by saying that <br />she plans to vote to approve the project to increase the downtown redevelopment. <br /> <br />Council Member Terway said he agrees with Council Members Lee and Paar about the % <br />turn, but wants to move this development forward. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Lakso. seconded by Council Member Terway to <br />aooroye the CSAH 14 Memorandum of Understandinl! as submitted. Motion <br />carried. 3-2-0 (Paar and Lee) <br /> <br />vn. NEW BUSINESS - CONTINUED <br /> <br />1. Liquor and Tobacco Renewals (2006) (page 20-123) <br /> <br />Mr. Larson explained that two or three renewal applications are missing at this time and <br />suggested that the applications that have been received could be approved at this time, or <br />the Council could wait until all applications are received. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee said the applications that have come in on time should be approved, <br />so that these businesses do not experience a delay due to the lack of compliance by some <br />other businesses.I <br />Page 4 of9 <br /> <br />4 <br />