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<br />circumstances change. I would be glad to visit with the Lino Lakes City <br />Council in November or December for the next couple of years to report <br />what had happened with the herons and on the findings of any other <br />monitoring that DNR might be able to conduct on the north arm of the <br />lake. This would allow time to watch for fall migration information on <br />bird use of the north arm of the lake and to see how it goes with the <br />duck hunting. On caveat though, is the restricted funding for state <br />work - if I have no money for contracts, there may not be any ability to <br />monitor past this June 30th until the budget situation improves. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Second, I spoke to the Attorney General who works with DNR on the <br />surface water ordinances. He said each City should check with their <br />attorneys on what is allowed for City ordinances. He didn't know <br />absolutely if such a provision was allowable or not without a formal <br />Attorney General's opinion and I was not asking for that. He did not <br />know of any provision forbidding an end date. <br /> <br />As I understand our conversation, he did say that provided the Joint <br />Powers agreement allows for either City to terminate the agreement ( and <br />the wording for a model joint powers agreement that I recommended to you <br />does that) then one City could have a deadline and the other not have <br />that wording in their ordinance provided all other aspects of the <br />ordinances matched. <br /> <br />I think to keep things simple and easy, it would be best to omit the <br />end date and just review the findings of our monitoring annually. <br /> <br />4. I called Scott Lanyon and mentioned to him that a number of people <br />were quoting him regarding the line being drawn at the bog poles. I <br />explained that we had revised our recommendation for a line south of the <br />island angling northeast and I send him Marty's map with the 200 feet <br />south and other alignments. He will probably be talking to the council <br />members or sending a new note regarding the more south alignment. <br /> <br />5. Marty, I know that the St. Paul Audubon Society and the Minnesota <br />Ornithlogists' Union were writing to the mayors regarding this matter <br />and supporting a no-wake zone. Do you know if those letters were <br />received and entered into the record? <br /> <br />6. I also called Dr. <br />report. She said the <br />out in the mail now. <br />about 3 dozen copies. <br />I get them, I'll send <br /> <br />Christine Custer about the publication of her <br />February issue of the Waterbird journal is just <br />She will have reprints available and will send me <br />They may not get here for awhile yet. As soon as <br />a copy to each of you and the Cities as well. <br /> <br />JEFF, she will make a second set of the maps showing where the birds <br />went to forage and will send them to me. I told Liza Gilliland that I <br />would get her these for display at the nature center and for the Earth <br />Day display. As soon as I get them, I'll send them on to Lisa. <br /> <br />6. One last thing I haven't commented on yet was Wayne's idea for a <br />camera to monitor the colony. Yes, it is possible that some one is <br />deliberately trying to sabotage the colony and scare the herons away. I <br />don't have the resources to mount any initiative like this, especially <br />this year with time short, a freeze on our spending, and herons due back <br />any minute. We don't want to be in the colony at the very critical time <br />when the birds are first returning. <br /> <br />I think that for right now I can best spend my time preparing a letter <br />and visiting with the float plane people to alert them to the situation. <br />I also want to prepare an education flyer for the DNR creel census clerk <br />to hand out as he interviews fishermen and boaters on the lake. I <br />understand that he is already out on the lake each day taking data on <br />fishing activity. I will prepare the letter, the flyer, and talked to <br /> <br />2 <br />