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<br />, <br /> <br />FEB-19-2002 10:19 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF I'N CITIES <br /> <br />No person under the age of 18 years shall be employed in any l'IJoms <br />constituting the plaCte in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt llquOl' are <br />sold at retail on sale, ellcept that perSOI1ll under the age of 18 may be employed as <br />musicians or to perform the duties of a bllS person or dlshwl\shlng services in places <br />detlned as a restaurant, hotel, motel or other multipurpose building serving food in <br />rooms in whidt intoxicating liquors or 3.:2 percent malt liquor are sold at retail on <br />sale. <br /> <br />No person undef the age of 21 years may enter a lic~nsed establIshment <br />except to work, consume meals on premises that qualify as a rest:ulrant, or attend <br />social. flllnctions that are held In a portion of the premises where liquor is not sold. <br /> <br />Section 2lprohfbits persons from mixing or preparing liquor for consumption in <br />any public place of business un!l!ss it bas a JlceD.S.ll or pel'l1lit. <br /> <br />S~ctioll 22 establbhes the cJr~llmstanc",s and proclldurf!l for suspension aod <br />revocation of a license. 'The Council is required t<J either slIspend for a period not to <br />exceed 611 days or revol(e any liquor license upon tindJlllg IlIat the licensee has failed <br />to comply with any applicable stlltute, regulation Of provision of this ordinance <br />relatbtg to liqUor. Lapse of requited proof of financial respollslblllty shall effect an <br />immedIate suspension 'If any license issued pursuant 'k> this ordinance or slate law <br />without further action of the Council. Notice of cancellation ar lapse of a current <br />liquor liability policy .shal1l1lso constitute notice to the lieensee of the Impending <br />suspension of the': license. A ~chedllle of minimum periods of suspension and for <br />revocation is established. <br /> <br />Section 23 provides :that Sections 24 to 28 apply to cities with lIIunicipall1quor <br />stores. [Noto: CIties that do not han It municlpalliquor store should delete these <br />sections before adopting this ordinance, but not renumbllr Sections 13 to 28. Instead <br />a notation should be indurled in the summary of the ordinance indicating that <br />"Sedlolls 23 to 28 are reserved for future use." This is so that the reader of the <br />ordinance will uot be confused by the absenc\! of thel:le sections]. <br /> <br />Section 24 provides for the continuance of municipaIliquor stores. <br /> <br />Section 25 provld<!$ for the location a[ municipal liquor stores. <br /> <br />Section ::16 provid\!s for the operation of mUllidpalliquor stores. <br /> <br />Section 27 proYld~s for proof of fmancial responsibility of mul1icipalliqufll' srores. <br /> <br />Section 28 provides for the issuance of other licenses by cities with municipal iiquor <br />stol'es. <br /> <br />22 <br /> <br />P. 23/24 <br />