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<br /> <br />DAY ONE - MONDAY. JUtY22 <br /> <br />9:30' Registration opens <br />The Duluth - Tourist and Visitors Bureau will have _ a <br />representative present at registration to sugg'est <br />sightseeing tours, ,local eventS',thingsto do and.see,-and <br />. answer any questions, ab,?ut shopping or the Duluth <br />area. <br /> <br />10:30 PEG Access POlicies, Issues & Case Studies . <br />Moderator: Melanie Hendrickson. <br />Speakers; Steve Guzzelto. Esq. & Tim Finnerty <br />A potpourri ofinfonnation" including proper, use of PEG <br />access channels, copyri~t considerati~ms, _current issues; <br />. the influence of mega-corporations; and :de?reasing <br />competition. <br /> <br />12:00 Luncheon <br />Welcome~ Opening Address <br />Gary Doty, Mayor of Duluth <br />KEYNOTE: First Ameridinent Issues <br />Speaker: Tom Creighton, Esq. <br />Freedprn pf :spee_ch_ and you.r" obligation' _ to censor <br />inappropriate or cO,Dn-oversial progtannning.- How far <br />caD you go? How .to ,deal- with foreign' language <br />progn)1iling. .. <br /> <br />1:45 Big City/Small City I'roduqions: 761Tombones? <br />Speakers: JefryMoscate/li, Rudy Vigil,Jr. & Mark <br />Hotchkiss <br />Do you get the most outo'fyour.-facilitY? Ever thinK <br />about'hand-me~down equipment to upgrade? Have you <br />gotten the,oestuse froll1yourvoluhteer~ to eiiableyou <br />to offer even moI'e,to your viewers? <br /> <br />3:15 RefresbmeniBreak <br /> <br />330 Community TV: Access to Democracy. <br />Speakers: Mike Reardon & Alan Miller <br />Have-you ma_d.e-p1ans_ for 2002. election 'coverage? A <br />discussion about how to get the electionmessages ourto <br />your viewers. Perspective - ()D a - candidate -interview <br />program,which has pray-en to be a hit with subscribe-rs, <br />and sistercities,- <br /> <br />5:00 Tour of the Duluth PACT Facility <br /> <br />6:00 Banquei <br />Surprise Gnest Speaker Presentation <br /> <br />. .730' nn Your Own-Free Time . <br />Boatrides on ~ake-.Superior,-visitsto beautiful <br />downto~ .Dulu~. venturing to the 'casino._etc. <br /> <br />DAY TWO - TUESDAY.ltJLY23 <br /> <br />8:00 Continental breakfast <br /> <br />9:00 Technology Delivery Methods <br />Speaker.' Wendy Chretien. <br />A look atstreaming'video,.video on demand; and other <br />new technologies. <br />Speaker: - Kevifl; Lord . <br />Shares somemsightori Charter Communications' tech:. <br />. nologyplans and their view of the future of cable TV. <br /> <br />10:00 RefresbmentBreak <br /> <br />10:15 Policy Issnes: Where are We? <br />Speaker: . Mike Bradley, Esq. <br />Is it time to take a new look ,at Channel 238 in-light of <br />today's changing market? . <br />Speaker: Bob Vose,Esq. <br />Aret4eredark clouds on the horizon? ~Has your <br />municipality had to deal with Limited Area Franchising? <br />How does OVS. affect you?- . . <br />Speaker:CorWilsl?n;.' NATDA, Bpard Member <br />Perspectives fro~ NATOA: Don't look now, but a . <br />"new" FCC cable modem.intetpretatioh may be <br />. threatening your franc4i-Se, fee~! In fact, italready has! <br /> <br />11:30 FaCilitation Session for All Attendees <br />Where Do We Want to GO? <br />Speakers: HollyHansen& Jeff'J;ueders <br />Let it all hang out: - Qu~stiOtLs.;answerS,sugge'stions; <br />and -identityingourpriorities. <br /> <br />12:45 Luncheon . <br />KEYNOTE: How Do WeGetThere? <br />. Speaker: Wy~Spano,MACTA Lobbyist <br />What impact'does':re4istrictiJIg have on your citY's... <br />relationship" withgovermnent? Ho'w, about a new <br />Governor? Are there roadblocks to,MACTA's goals to <br />preserve local authority andrevenue? 0 <br /> <br />2:00 Adjourn <br />Anyone whodidn'tget the opportunity totOl:1r th,: <br />Duluth PACT facility gelS a chance. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />.\' <br /> <br />Name <br />Organization: <br />C Address: <br />City/State/Zip: <br />Day Phone: <br /> <br />Email: <br /> <br /> <br />MAIL TO <br /> <br />. Complete this registration form and mail with payment <br />or purchase order numher to: <br />MACTA <br />1711 W County Road B, Suite 300N <br />Roseville, MN551 13 <br />651.635.0306 <br />fax: 651.635.0307 <br />oei@assocmgmtorg <br /> <br />For office use only <br />