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<br />.. <br />," lfur 28 26B2 lS:58:11 Vi" Fax <br /> <br />-} <br /> <br />,""...1'1 <br /> <br />.........". ,'-" <br /> <br />651 129 8629 /ldm in i" tor <br /> <br />P""C B61 Of 6B3 <br /> <br />LMC <br />I"..~~,~ t./ Aj,<>>q<o.""", ("-lilo;\'l <br />\",1..., l'''i''''''I;~ 0!I>.~&1l~~ <br /> <br />-FridayFax- <br /> <br />A. w~t:A.l) 1t::!ii~JlJ.ti...~ u.}lJ.ulr::./Jvlt,ll~ Ll::loISMt: J.,1ll,ft'/IIt::.:>ul'u Citir::..:J <br /> <br />Ltgi.:bti1'8 W orldng GrouP€ <br /> <br />Announced <br /> <br />With the nalural deadline crealed b> Iho <br />p.,soveriEa.ter reCess now behind us, many are <br />queslloning when Ihe legislalUre will finish it. 2002 <br />work. The only other obvious natural deadline is <br />MlIY 10, which legl,18IU"'. con.titullonlll <br />deadline or Ihe 120 leglslallve day Iimll. Hawe"er, <br />rhe leej~lat"r~ hn~ nnw l"erl only 9? leel~lnllve <br />day., leaving:!1! poo.ible lloor session days Ih;;, <br />year. <br /> <br />A meeling of House and Senale leaders yeslerday <br />did nol produce any semblance of a compromise <br />and in facl. commenl. by House and Senate <br />members suggesled thai there was a wide rift <br />Imlween Ih~ two h,)dle,,,. <br /> <br />Dtl:ll)JHt: Ud;) l-'t.;:,,~jrublh..: Jlt::\y~ lli~ HIJLJ~t' ijuJ St"ualt: <br />may have set In mOlion a process to negotiale a <br />compromise. ..1.( the dose ofy..ltl'd.y's floor <br />,eSilon, Majority Leader Tim Fawlenty announced <br />Ihe formallon of Ihree working groups 10 try 10 <br />brlns closure 10 Ihe 2002 leBisJallve session, There <br />will be a il'oup formed to focus on the bud",.1 <br />deficit Ihal will include Represenlallve Kevin <br />Goodno IR-Moorhead'i. Representative Fhil Krinkle <br />(R-5horeview), Representalive Alice Seagren (R. <br />Bioomington), Representalll'e D.'larly Seiferl (H- <br />Marshall), and j{epresenlallv~ I om ~ugh l Ul"L.. <br />Suulli SI. F.ui), <br /> <br />A I,"ll.~vdulil.iu w~rkiul\ i:'~U~ ';U"'UII) iudull.. <br />'lh'. EIII Kul<l. (,,). M>rYI Uz <br />Holber~ iR.L.koviUe), Tony Kielkucki iR.L"I'" <br />Prairie) Tom Workman (R-Chanhassen) and AI <br />Junk.c. (DFL-\VUII'l\4I'). !;.ena!or Doe"-n John3on <br />(DFL-Wlllmar) will SOlrve on Ihe lranspor1allon <br />worklng group and is lh. only Senator Ihal has been <br />I"'uiid)' aIl1l0ulI".tl. TI.. ,1.JiulIl wUl..illll ll"uujJ <br />will incJuda v.aprar.anIJlh'o j,lJrr~ M"ot (lI. II/hila <br />Bear Lake). Representative Kevin Goodno (R- <br />Moorhead), Representallve Dan McElroy {R- <br />BUlllbyill~), Rir;.fJI"::""ilhlliyitl RUll A.bulI1C1. (lt~ <br />Mlnnetonka) and R~preseOlallv" Bob MlIben <br />(DFL.South Sl. Paul), <br /> <br />March 28, 2002 <br />Page 1 <br />W~ t1\lIl~ 10 haY~ miln inlorrruHioo \;In lh~ S~llil~ <br />appointees neXI week. <br /> <br />Senate Budget Deal: Phase II and <br />Phase IlIa <br /> <br />The Senal., gave tInal appmva I t'J Ih,'lr Pha.., ]] <br />budget reconciliation bill on Wednesday which <br />includes measures ,0 balancelhe remaining <br />proj'cl~d $439 million stale budgel deficit for <br />mn;>,.},om Anl1 i7r,?ln~ 10 Ronre"" Ih.. ~.nn4-0'; <br />budgol deficil, T~. bill ~l&o Include" Ihe Sonale <br />vu.inn 11f ~n nmnlhll~ r.. hili, <br /> <br />AlIhaugh Ih. House has not crafled any omnibus <br />tax bill yollh!" yoar, thoro ~ro now lndlcatiorn; Ihat <br />some scaled-down tax bill from Ihe Houie may be <br />fo"h~omll1g. On W;!dnesday .t Ihe dose of Ihe <br />Hou;se Hom se~5Ion, Hepresentalive Abrams moved <br />lu li:lJ...1c; 14<)[ )'t.:u:~ UUHlit,u::, lax !Jill fwm LlH~ l.i1uh:: <br />and reiurn illo Ihe ,;onference committee, That bill <br />U,fll:i nf(v~r Ii o.act i'd iaro 1.II\v bliCIUif;: thli' uuion <br />.nded, Th.. 2001 tax bill was lctually a new bill <br />Introciuced In Ihe special session. <br /> <br />Th'i S~nat(: pooogil: comnillS :;i).v~ral provisions that <br />wlllll1' dUn. indudlng crun~..' to I,,,y IhnllJ. <br />stat~ aid:a, prop~rty un.:es. TIF, and 10C!t1 tn};~.s. <br /> <br />Levy Limits <br />Lot.)' limits would bo Incroasod by a minimum of 2 <br />perceru Cor laxes payable In 2003, which would be a <br />lal'got Incr'<).l&o th:3n cUI'I'Mtlaw glvon Iho 1I1lpact of <br />lil~ !t.:l,;utl t t:!.,;~~t1oiuu uu illfwtlUII. 111 ~lh1iliuu. <br />property lax Increases 10 cover Increasing heallh <br />insurance costs wouJd be outside levy limits. Le\'y <br />liluilr. J,""Vl,'JIo l,",\"~i",uu 1l1uwilu hUllIU HAC/'\ <br />iu 200'1 will h.I\'~ lhdt k" Y Iilllll illl.:tlo'a~t..u lu <br />reflect the repeal of lhe mobile home HACA aid. <br /> <br />LOA and Slare Aids <br />LGA fl!l cili., UIltJ." 1.000 jJUjJUbliulIl""uleJ <br />nWtlrl" th" Uli,.n.rf1llnt)i ml'frn Uia U!f'lultt hi' <br />Increased 10 at leasl the le"el of LGA and HACA <br />received in 2001. Thl. provision 1V0uld be funded <br />wllh ~n Incroa~.d &lalO appr'oprlatlon of $2.7 <br />IIIHliuu. '1111;:: uilJ aJ:au I.;Ulllitiu~ iJ (IUIllI.J~1 wI <br />provislon~ relaled 10 taconile aids, including the <br />elimination of the 1r3nsfer of laconite achool aids 10 <br /> <br />F'II 1:11111" i:lrll,III~lillll 0111 I :l) II",L'II<lli,,!': iMIIj;,.,. Ilillill I <III) 11I~,1II11"'.. IIrllt"" 1.....1,"'.11-: III Milllll'.Nl1.1 rilirl' '1,h'.It,l'Vl1l1l1lt-illl,,1 'Rlil;;lillil~ 11',1111'. <br />6~1.2B1.l200 or 800.925. \122 <br />