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<br />Mar 282BB2 1Ei:88:19 Via Fa" <br /> <br />-) <br /> <br />'.'H".l\, <br />., <br /> <br />',.,."..", <br /> <br />EiS1 429 BEi29 Athninistr..tor <br /> <br />~. <br />"4, <br /> <br />Page BD2 ilf BB3 <br /> <br />LMC <br /> <br />-FridayFax- <br /> <br />.4 weekly legislollye updalefrom the League of Minnesora Cilles <br /> <br />f''''~I"....f .II,,,,,...(II'f C,Ii~, <br />(:::i~.. i"',).~"'t k,~ "....~l'.",..' <br /> <br />cllles and towns that was contained In last year's <br />I.. hill <br /> <br />A new ut!Ury tax hase replace men! aid would be <br />established for cOllnlies where pipeline values <br />exceed 40 percent of Ihe counly's tax base. This is <br />Intended 10 off.ollho unexpocted shlfl. ill properly <br />l"x,ul.o uaUl,.uJ u" thu 2001 !-,w}Judy 1.:.1'" t\,l[VIIIlL, <br /> <br />Property T a;;e;i <br />The bill ct'eatt3! new bed ano breakf.M <br />classificltlon lhal would be Ihe same as homestead <br />property and reinstates some of the homestead <br />borrowl~g provl~lo~. affecll~1l mulll-u~e propmle:; <br />IhM wprp r~f1~"lprlln Ihp ?n01,>x hili. :<iom~ of <br />Inese mUlti-us. propertIes experlencea mge tax <br />increases becau.e of Ihe 2001 "borrowing" repeal. <br />The state property tax \..vy will now apply to 75 <br />per""nl of Ihe value of eleclrlc general Ion <br />macblnery. Under lasl year's lax bill, this property <br />IVas exempt from the slate propErly lax. <br /> <br />Tax InCremetll Financillg <br />The TIF grant program would be reinstated and tbe <br />pml w""ln h~ rartl.111y r"~tnr"rl wllh . ~1n million <br />approprl"lon. The blll.lso alia,",,, cHles 10 use Ih. <br />ddlcil reduction provisions that were enacted in la.t <br />year's lax bill without being required 10 pool <br />avullulllt: IncH\l.l1t:llb [Wlt.l utltt:l ubl.dcj~ lu flt::!l <br />reduce any deficit. The deficit reduction provisions <br />available 10 the city Include an elecllon Ihat Ihe <br />orl$lnallooallax \'ale bt allowed to 11031 and an <br />elecllon 10 chan$e the fiscal rllsparlUes contribution <br />from the dlstrJcI. <br /> <br />Local Ta;;es <br />-Bloomington lodging tax IncfEa.e of 1 porcent. <br />-~ochester lodging tax increase of 2 percent. <br />-Hermantown-expands the permissible uses for <br />their locallaxes sales lax to Include a communily <br />I1rtIH"::Hilin nnrt rmirn"tk"n ~~ntflrl :Inn ji"in f:h'1i11l~1t rI <br />clly ball and publlc works sarase, and certain Irafflc <br />il'l'pl"OVel"l!nls.. <br />-Alben Lea-up to a 'h percent sales tax for lake <br />improvements and downtown Improvemenls. <br />-Cloquel-up to a J;; percenl sales tax for a senior <br />center. park improvemenls and water and SEwer <br />Improvements and extensions. <br /> <br />March 28, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />-Ely-up 10 a 1 percenl salES lax for clly facilities <br />~n11 I"rrtr'IP\npmpnt :\rth'lrip"i <br />-Beaver Bay up to a 1 pelcent sale. laX for <br />community building and recrealional facilities. fire <br />hal~ jmprovement~ and water and sower <br />upgrades. <br />-Medford-up 10 a "i porcenl sales lax for <br />wastev.,taler treatmenl facility <br /> <br />Tax Exemp, ions <br />-Albert Lea meat-packing r.dllly conslruction <br />materials <br />-Mfnn.apoll,,\.hlldron';:. Th.'~lr.. \"[\n;,,~ll"n <br />mM.rl"J,~ <br />-Thiet N.ivel" Falls iCE: lIrena COrl.'slruction. !1'l.alerialS <br />-Guthrie Theatre conslructlon matermls <br />Hydroelectric gonerating hcility <br />-Walker Arts Center construction malerials <br /> <br />Loading Zone Provision Voted Down <br /> <br />in the House <br /> <br />A provision Ihal would have prohibited cilies from <br />i5SUzng varianl;e~ for loading zones on rv!Si~ afld <br />r:S,~ H rnan~ 11'"' .Iimln, t~d on the HOIl" Flonr <br />thit afternoon. The m.uur. W,t luckod into a non <br />l:UIILJU\''\::l::aial D\1","'tllwtul uf Tlall~vtlctli011 <br />(MnlnOT) hl1l1~~kr,.ni~p. hill (HF ,'199) hy Rftn. <br />Tom Workman (R-Chanh.ssen) during a committe. <br />hearing earUer Ihls session, Ii would have been <br />effective relroacrlvdy for any buildings or projects <br />recelvinA a buildlnp, permit after December 31, <br />2001. Workman cited public safely and Iraffic <br />cong.stion as Ihe reasons behind the policy. <br /> <br />Rep. Jean Wag.nlus (DR-Minneapolis) led Ih" <br />effort 10 amend Ihe language out of the bilL Her <br />eff.orl ,'eceived bi-parlisan support, nOlllbly from <br />Rep. Jim Rhodes (R-SI. Louis Park), D3I1 McElroy <br />(R-Burnsvllle), and Joe MuUery (Dl'l- <br />Minneapolis). The amendment passed on a vole of <br />75 1051. The provision doe. not exl'l in Ihe Sena,e <br />conlpanion to the bill. <br /> <br />rOl more Informalicn on i:ll~'I~li:ilj\,Jllve ISllli!lS, contlcl an)' m~mooe' or me LeB&lle ot Mlnnuolo1 CllIu Im~I&':''''\trnmen:al Re!ati'JlU learn. <br />651.281.1200 or 800.925,1122 <br />