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<br />.,.. <br /> <br />.,: <br /> <br />Mar 2B 2BB2 16:B1:42 Via Fax <br /> <br />-} <br /> <br />n.._..:;:~ <br /> <br />GSl 429 Bb29 Ad~inistrator <br /> <br />P"gC BB3 Of BE13 <br /> <br />LMC <br />!....~JW'../..'>jl,,"',,~.,...i""" <br />~~I!..; "'IU""~' ;Iio..!!~~<." <br /> <br />-FridayFax- <br /> <br />.4. weekly legislalive update from the League ofMinnesorQ Cilies <br /> <br />Phosphorus .Bm Up next week in the <br /> <br />HOlls~"W~ n~~r1 your h~lp <br /> <br />The House will take action early nexl week on HF <br />1524 authored by Rep. Peggy Leppik (R-Golden <br />Valley). This bill would restcicllhe use of <br />phospboru. In lawn reni!izers. <br /> <br />nebale is likely 10 be contentious. Amendments .ce <br />expecled lhal would pceempt a cit,'. decision 10 <br />adOpll'JCJI controls avec cesidentlal use of <br />phosphocus In Greater Minnesota. Ills also <br />expecled an amendment to set a thcee-percenl <br />phosphorus level flooc for the melropolllan are. <br />will be added. The Loague of Mlnnesol. Cilies is <br />wUlk.ill~ lv J~r;;:al uullllh,,~t: .";I I Ul::uJI ut:IIL::,--OlIlLJ <br />coold use your help. <br /> <br />Please call your Slale Representative and ucge them <br />10 vote no on these amendmenls and yes on HF <br />1524, Their contacl informalion can be found at <br />www.[1Quse..l~Q..stllt( 01' call Jennifer <br />O'Rourke al 651.28J .126J for [he phone numbers, <br />ar to find out who your leglstalexs are, <br /> <br />The bill pass..:! Ihe SelUlle earlier ~nd will ilkely <br />nead 10 a conference committee once aCllon by [he <br />House has been taken. <br /> <br />House Leadership Needs to Hear from <br /> <br />Cities About 911 Funding Issues <br /> <br />The Le.gue urges elly officials to contacl members <br />of the leadership of the Minnesota House of <br />RepreSOnlallves 10 sUPPor! the critically needed <br />increased surchlJrg,e for k,ca1911 centers contained <br />In the Senate version of Ihe anti-terrorism <br />proposals. (See Ihe March 27 ClIies Bu/l~lin, page <br />7, for delalls or go 10 the online version of the <br />bullelln On Ihe LMC websUe.) <br /> <br />The House-Senate Conference Commlnee on H.F. <br />2622, the anti-terrorism legl>I~II\'e package, will <br />meet for lhe first lime an Monday afternoon, April <br />1. Prier 10 thaI time, the leadership of Ihe House <br />Majorlly Caucus will meel to cOtlsider Ihe House <br />position on Ihe delails of the final bill that will <br />emerge from conference commille. d.liberations. <br />The portion of the 911 surchacge that provides <br /> <br />March 28, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />funding 10 lhe local 9J 1 operations needs 10 <br />Inctease bv .1 least 7 ceals for 2003 lnd 2004. <br /> <br />If lhe conference commlllee falls to reach <br />agreement on aa iacrease in local 911 funding. lhe <br />Minnesota Department of Adminislralloa may be <br />focc..d to dip Into Ih. 9JJ-surcharge revenue to pay <br />the &We CObtS for morges by phone componies for <br />providing dedicated telecommunications facilities <br />and connections. <br /> <br />Cily officials should CJII or .ma I1lh. folh,wlng <br />members of the Hous< Majority Caucus Executhe <br />Commillee to urge Ihem 10 suppor! the incrlUlse in <br />the 9J J surcharge for local 91J operations: <br /> <br />Repl'ue nUliv! Sltv! Sv!!!um. Speaker of t i'io! I lou!'! <br />r~p.::;tev~.:svi1i.l:i:urn\;;l:.rnn. \.is cr (651) 295- <br />2273 <br /> <br />Representallve Tim Pawlenty, House ~bjo:lty Lnder <br /> n':Iwl~nh,'(Ciih'.'U$e leE.state jl1Tll~ or (651) 296- <br />4\28 <br />R~presel1talrve ;YCary Liz Holberg, .J.ssist:lnt MaJorilY <br />L..der <br />.!~P..~LYl~!..y.uf~L~~?.!.k~.!g~,.t~g.~_~~.:JS.~,,~l#lf;lD.~i:_~~ or (651) <br />296-6926 <br />RepreserItstiv-c: Tony KieJkucld, Assi3tan; Majority <br />L..d" <br />r~lJ.tQilv.kidkl.1~~k!(a:'hi;'lu~r.,lf.7',~t~tr.-.mi"\.!J$ .:)1" (651) 296- <br />J5:;4 <br />Represent:sJive Jim Kncbbch, .A.ssJ:stanl l~''!::.jcril} Leader <br />reo,iim.lmoblnchGi:'hous.;.>, leg.?sI~(~.tnn.Qs O~. (6::110 296- <br />6:;16 <br />Representl1llvce 'NI1Ham K:.1isle, .~~i5t~nr Nbjorlty <br />Leader <br />,e:].:;,~,'illiarn.kui::iI,~((1."h.Juf>~.IeI:i,;.rrin,u:s or (651:; 296- <br />4:;78 <br />Represcntative Dan i~IcEIIQ)", ,,ujistalll ~laj';'I;IY L~;:;ct~l' <br />rer.:.d,"n,mcelr'I"(a:r.Dl.l~t':,ltg.l!l,,,te.lTIn,u5 m (651) 296. <br />4212 <br />Representative Carol MdnJ,u, A.sslst:ant !vIajarily Leader <br />!.Ke:.S:~J.gJ.~.!:r!:~!.~~~L@!'.5-~!o!l~.d,~~.?.L4!.~.:11mc.~.~ or (6.51) 290- <br />8872 <br />Repro:sentaltve ~ibr(y Seiferr, AS:5istant Majority LC'a:dcr <br />rePlmart\i.!l~(fu[CQ;lhOUf,.z,kl2,s::aI~,it1t:.US or (651) 296- <br />5:;74 <br /> <br />F~r mor~ intorrTlaticn 011 .:il>' llliil15l.1ivt IrnuiU, CI):'1\.IIi:t <Ill)' OZltmb., "I jh~ LO'aglJ,1jj ,){ ~,1illne50!" Clli~l int(Hg':V'l1rnmenlal R.llllon~ \QII:I1. <br />651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 <br />