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<br />Use of approved FMLA leave - whether paid or <br />unpaid - will not constitute a break in <br />service for purposes of computing years of <br />service. <br /> <br />j. Both Spouses Employed by City. When both <br />spouses are employees of the city, each <br />spouse may take up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave <br />per leave year. The leave may run <br />simultaneously. <br /> <br />k. Insurance Continuation. During a period that <br />an eligible employee takes leave under this <br />Section, the City shall maintain coverage <br />under the City's group health plan for not <br />more than a total of 12 weeks. These <br />benefits will be maintained under the same <br />conditions, and at the same level of City <br />contribution, as before the employee goes on <br />leave. If there are changes to the City's <br />contribution levels and/or premium rates <br />while the employee is on leave, those changes <br />will take place as if the employee were still <br />on the job. The employee will be required to <br />continue payment of the employee portion of <br />the health care and/or other insurance <br />coverages they choose to continue. During <br />such time as FMLA leave is paid, the City of <br />Shakopee will continue to collect the <br />employee's share of the premium through <br />payroll deductions. <br /> <br />The employee may choose not to retain health <br />care or other insurance coverages during FMLA <br />leave. When the employee returns from leave, <br />they will be reinstated on the same terms as <br />prior to taking leave, without any qualifying <br />period, physical examination, exclusion of <br />preexisting conditions, or other requirement. <br /> <br />1. Premium Reimbursement. The employee will be <br />required to reimburse the City for any <br />premiums paid during the leave if the <br />employee does not return to work for a <br />minimum of 30 calendars days, unless the <br />employee cannot return to work due to the <br />continuation of a serious health condition of <br />the child, spouse, parent or employee, or due <br />to other circumstances beyond the control of <br />the employee. <br />V-7 <br />