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<br />during this time. <br /> <br />Conduct. No employee shall fail to obey the <br />lawful orders of the employee's supervisor or the <br />City Administrator. No employee shall accept a <br />gift from a person or representative of a person <br />or association that has a direct financial <br />interest in a decision that the employee is <br />authorized to make, except as permitted under <br />Minn. Stat. Sec. 471. 895, Subd. 3. No employee <br />shall willfully make a false statement or falsify <br />any City document. <br /> <br />4. Affirmative Action. Any employee of the City who <br />does not comply with the Equal Employment <br />Opportunity laws and regulations will be subject <br />to disciplinary action. <br /> <br />5. Sexual Harassment Policy. <br /> <br />a. Policy. The City is committed to providing a <br />work environment that is free of <br />discrimination and unlawful harassment. <br />Sexual harassment in any form against any <br />employee or member of the public will not be <br />tolerated. All employees are to enjoy a safe <br />work environment free from unreasonable <br />interference, intimidation, hostility, or <br />offensive behavior on the part of <br />supervisors, co-workers, or visitors. <br /> <br />b. Definition. Sexual harassment is unlawful <br />under federal statue Title VII of the Civil <br />Rights Act of 1964 as well a under Minnesota <br />Statute Chapter 363. Sexual harassment <br />includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests <br />for sexual favors, sexually motivated <br />physical contact, or other verbal or physical <br />conduct or communication of a sexual nature, <br />when: <br /> <br />. Submission to the conduct of <br /> communication is made a term or <br /> condition, either explicitly or <br /> implicitly of an individual's <br /> employment; or <br />. Submission to or rejection of the <br /> conduct or communication by an <br /> individual is used as a factor in <br /> VI-3 <br />